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Polak (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Polak (DayZ)

  1. The point of all this Alpha is on keep it going forward mate. You are a "tester" not a player, that doesn't mean that you can't play, but you can't claim anything.
  2. Hack? Probably connection problem between you and the server or server issue.
  3. Polak (DayZ)


    I also support this idea.
  4. Polak (DayZ)

    Hacker films himself using a script

    where is the hack?
  5. Polak (DayZ)

    Spawn Protection

    good idea. I died a lot of times because some fag spawned behind me lol.
  6. Polak (DayZ)


    I'm boy and play like a Boy. But some times i've had a girl only because it's safe way to spot me when im playing with clan mates, they are girls too ;D
  7. Polak (DayZ)

    My Story of the past hour

    LOL, not funny at all :/
  8. Polak (DayZ)

    Direct communication?

    I believe the Direct com. is up to 60m (It was 40m last patch)
  9. Polak (DayZ)

    Wall of fire - Hacker ?

    It's not so cool when they drop it over your head bro ^^
  10. Polak (DayZ)


    Yes it is.
  11. Polak (DayZ)

    Hidden Basements

    I like the idea, but not to use it as base for you or your team, it's more like crashed chopper, that could be better in my opinion
  12. Polak (DayZ)

    Camping Tents Bugged?

    You must do this: Press G, start running and while you are running with your Inventory opened, right click on the tent > pitch tent
  13. Polak (DayZ)

    Are Ghillied Suits and NV Goggles spawning?

    That's sad, You have my beans!
  14. Polak (DayZ)

    Supplemental music

    I'm not downloading that lol ¬¬
  15. Polak (DayZ)

    Why Day-Z Fails

    I'm not sure about that Sr.
  16. Polak (DayZ)

    Deer Posts

    Sometimes it's because of server "lag". I got a vehicle (uaz) on one German server and it is soo laggy (the server) when i get to some Shop the loot spawns like 2/3min after...
  17. RAAAAAGGGEEEE XD I've felt it so many times.... but after 30min you'll be back in game trying to find stuff.
  18. Polak (DayZ)

    Stole A Car, Found Something Interesting....

    :Sadface: :( Poor people...
  19. Polak (DayZ)

    Ghillie suit and Camo clothing fixed?

    And what if I drop all my stuff and then wear it?
  20. And i have some more questions too. I don't care if the server is placed in USA or whatever, but I'm worried about the "time zone" I don't know if I'll be able to change it having a server in EU (I live in Spain and i play mostly in nights). Anyway, I was looking for a server with 24 slots o so. Can i get some help with this?
  21. Polak (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Yeah that's a "good idea" but what if i join a night server and i want to switch to another? it happens to me really often, we have a problem then. Is not that easy to avoid this stuff as it looks.
  22. Polak (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yup, and i can confirm that it works :D
  23. Polak (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    OK NVM, i spawned with nothing but I had to respawn to restore my char.
  24. Polak (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    My char is deleted or i don't know... Pls fix it. Is there anything that i can do?
  25. Polak (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    is it safe? or i'll get my char wiped out? Finally i can wear my cammo!