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Everything posted by Ferakpsi

  1. Ferakpsi

    People are assholes

    After almost dieing to someone with only a "hatchet", I have no issues shooting them to prolong my life. If they are at range, that's one thing....but once they close the gap without communication, it's game-on.
  2. Hey all! 3rd day playing...and many lives spent ;) Lasting longer each time, but having a pretty rough time going at it solo. The few times I've managed to find a smaller group we all get demolished faster that when I was playing alone. I have no problem using a mic when I'm able (children can make that interesting). I'm hoping to find a few people to play with, explore, find somewhere to settle, etc! (really any playstyle). I typically play EARLY mornings (12am-3am CST/CDT) but can play a bit other times as well. Hit me up on steam "Ferakpsi" or pm me here through the boards.