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Everything posted by Phatd00d

  1. Phatd00d

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Why show bandits where people like to hangout? That makes no sense.. Make them work for their kills. Bandits, stop being lazy and go out there and hunt for your kills.
  2. Phatd00d

    The current state of this game.

    Banning does nothing since the game is down to $12 at online stores.
  3. Phatd00d

    Soldier Uniform.

    I'd like to know this as well. I saw a with one in it along with the L8 but I left both behind.
  4. Phatd00d

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    Is this counting the respawns trying to get back closet to your dead body or favorite spot on the map?
  5. Phatd00d

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    You should have stoped reading at "Let me start by saying I really enjoyed the game until now.." then.
  6. Phatd00d

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Who made you read this topic? Were you forced to? or did you have a choice whether to read it or not?
  7. Phatd00d

    [RNG] clan report

    No, ammo boxes do spawn at heli crash sites, so those are legit mags. No worries man.
  8. Phatd00d

    Agree or Disagree? Why we kill...

    Being a cold blooded killer in this game is way to easy, anyone can be a bandit. I enjoy challenge, so I play more spec ops. If you don't see me then I'll let you go, but if I see you looking at me you're dead. I don't kill for weapons or food because all of that is honestly more easy to get than killing another player.
  9. Phatd00d

    Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

    I'd like to see how well you do on a server with CH and NP's off.
  10. They know the danger of this game, and they put themselves in harms way. If they were new players hopefully they learned their lesson, if they weren't new, then they better learn quick.
  11. Phatd00d

    No loot what so ever

    I've been seeing this as well, very weird bug.
  12. Phatd00d

    stuck passed out

    Having the same problem as everyone else.
  13. Phatd00d

    Spawn Unconscious Bug

    Having the same problem. I was killed in a mass server hack thing lastnight and now when I log in I'm just laying there unconscious. I've left it there for an hour, I'm hoping I'll just starve to death, but then again I'll lose all my items..
  14. Wow, I'm dying to try this out. This is going to be so much more helpful.
  15. Phatd00d

    A song that fits dayz

    Try running through a foggy forest at night running away from zombies with this in the background.
  16. Phatd00d

    A song that fits dayz

    I'd say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S9G6QVVYEU
  17. I've been playing fine for about a week now but I started getting this message lastnight, trying to do everything i can to fix it but nothing yet.
  18. Phatd00d

    Chernarus Map Guide App for Android/iOS

    ty for this