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Posts posted by CHOSENMARINE

  1. I don't understand the logic behind this. What is wrong with having military weapons?

    Enlighten us.

    Because civilian guns like basic shotguns and rifles would be faaaar more common then high end military weaponry. There already are to many military rifles in the game, they're to common. If you consider the economic state of the country, you definitely wouldn't find the type of weapons (and magnitude) that you do now. There needs to be a way higher variety of low grade weapons, and less of all firearms. Keep in mind that a lot of the people in Chernarus have their guns for hunting. Some may have pistols or something else, but nothing too fancy!

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  2. It's not crazy when a zombie has 1/3 of a player's blood. If killing something 1/3 the strength of a player in one shot is a little crazy, then you really want zombies to have more blood.

    stop whining. You clearly don't understand that the game won't be any fun if all the zombies are a one shot kill. Zombies aren't a problem if you can shoot one bullet and they'er gone, then they're just an annoyance.

    This game needs to be difficult or it won't be as fun and addictive.

  3. I'm already paranoid enough with other people... Adding highly trained groups of well armed men trying to hunt me down at all times is too much. And it would be totally unfair, they would easily kill anyone they found. Plus, it makes absolutely no sense that they would do that, what do they hope to accomplish sending groups of guys out there? Not only that, but I could see other problems emerging, what if they went into the middle of a large town? Zombies would kill them all very quickly, and you would be left with that amazing equipment just lying there for the taking.

    I think some kind of small scale military involvement would be really cool, but not like this.

  4. I remember the helicopters had definitely been removed from the game for desync issues or something like that. But have they been brought back yet? I have seen 2 different helicopters since then, but there are also many hackers in Dayz, so it's hard to tell.

    If so, I need to start searchin'.

  5. Body armor cant stop anything above a shotgun or pistol. Its rare to be engaged by those, and I dont think the community wants body armor. I know I dont.

    Vests can stop rifle cartridges.

    I think this would be an awesome addition to the game.

  6. Hey guys,

    Been playing with an 870 for the past few days and it is a decent gun against zombies, but how does it stack up in PvP. Are there any better guns of the variety I should be looking for?

    Not a fan of shotguns, but there's an 870 with flash light that would awesome to have when scavenging at night!

  7. Think About DayZ this way; every single zombie was at some point a survivor, that's why you find Mak mags and Cans of Food on dead Z's.

    Typically if there are 50 survivor in the area, there are thousands and thousands (don't know the pop) that had guns before, there were military bases.

    IMO, most military guns are only a problem, cus the stats need to be saved, but there would be alot of guns in general if you could get your hands on them.

    But the zombies weren't just survivors like you or me, they were civilians, farmers, and towns people. If you were to take 100 people (randomly chosen) from a post soviet area - most being farmers - do you think they would really be packing that kind of heat? ESPECIALLY not M4's and M16's. Also, consider the economic condition of the country before this happened, people wouldn't be in such a huge rush to spend money on guns.

  8. I agree with what a lot of people here are saying, high end military weapons are too common. They should only be found at a couple specific locations, like the airfield. I didn't make this topic because I'm tired of dying, I made it because one quick trip to the barrack or any of the thousands of deer stands will grant you one of the best weapons available. Maybe we just need more likely weapons that could be spawned, such as shotguns, AK variants, and other low grade firearms in stead of finding M4's and FAL's so easily.

  9. I can see many people disagreeing with me, but hear me out.

    Guns should be a luxury in Dayz. It's pretty safe to say when you see a another survivor in dayz, they have a gun. That's why a There's a lot of PVP in this game, life is precious and people don't want to risk loosing theirs.It gives players something to reach for, like NVG (But not that rare). This would also make zombies more dangerous, which we need because they really aren't right now, people are.

    Good guns will be owned by the best players (M1911, CZ 550, Endfield, ext). Amazing guns will only be owned by the LUCKY players(M4's, M107, M9 SD). Because in my experience, these are not to hard to come by. They should also be found in realistic locations and areas.

    This game needs to be more survival. It's about sustainable prosperity, not arm and destroy.


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