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Everything posted by CHOSENMARINE


    Reloading magazines

    They're not called "clips", they'er called magazines.
  2. This has happened MANY times to me and my friends. 80% of the time this happens, about 10 minutes later they teleport to a place they once were. Sounds weird but I have seen it happen a few times.

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    you are totally correct sir. Zombs keep spawning like 3 seconds after they die in the same spot. Maybe in a large town that would make sense, but at a small barn or house in the middle of nowhere it's completely ridiculous.
  4. I have definitely seen this a lot, how do they even get in there to begin with?

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    It would be so much work for the developers. They would need to start from scratch aaaaaaall over again. not only that, because they are using the Cry engine 3, 50% of the money they make off of the game would be ripped out of their hands and never seen again.

    new weapons and items idea

    I'm sorry, but throwing stuff is the stupidest thing ever! I read a topic about being able to throw the hatchet too, where do people come up with this? COD or what? And there's already a cross bow. But it needs to be greatly improved.

    Identifying a bandit

    sure. Something should be done to identify bandits. But this has been posted for the 97631236478th time.

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Nope. Snipers are apart of the game and will not be taken out. And just to let you know, large calibre rifles are very loud and attract zombs from a long ways. People easily hear it to.

    JTF2 tragedy

    As you can probably guess, I am a member of the JTF2 clan, in the US84 server. Today, something very fortunate happened to us. If the person that did this to us some how is reading this, then please respond. If you aren't, then it's a story worth hearing... There are usually 4 of us on the server, and today we decided to make a barracks run. Since we have a camp of 9 tents, a car, and a recently found civilian Urel (It's a big truck if you don't know), we are pretty set and ready for almost anything... almost. Any ways, The four of us, including myself, are at the airfield and need to cross the paved strip in the middle. Because we're not retarded, we scan the entire airfield for people, and hope to see nothing. Unfortunately we spot a player riding a dirt bike across the strip and we're deciding what to do about it. Out of fucking nowhere the deafeningly loud screech of gunshots burst out. At first I though one of my friends were shooting at him, but I was mistaken. I realise the piercing sound of sonic speed bullets are actually coming at us. The shooting was coming somewhere from our right on a slight hill, and close. Two of my friends die instantly, and I start shooting back with everything I have. I fired off my M4 A1 Holo with grenade launcher into the general direction that they were. I also fire A HE grenade, but it still wasn't enough to deter our attackers, and I blacked out from being hit. When I came to, I ran. I can't explain how, but I made it out alive. How I managed to emerge from the fire and death is still a mystery to me. Even as I was running, the crack of bullets were all around me. After a lot of running, I finally make it back to the camp, safe and sound. My third friend actually made out alive, and completely untouched! After the incident, he got lost, and was killed by a random sniper in the middle of nowhere. Because we have vehicles and many tents, achieving our same status as before is easy. All one needs to do is find the camp again, and take anything you want from the tents (which is a lot). eventually all our members are back at camp and we share our stories around the camp fire. I know what your thinking, "that's not so bad! You still got all your stuff". Your right, that was the least of our worries. While sharing our storing, we decide that we need to find sandbags or something to use as cover at our base. Suddenly bullets strike me and all my friends, literally all at once, and before you can even say "what?". Then I'm starring at a screen that says "You are dead", along ALL the clan members. All of our time on Dayz had been used to achieve what we had then. Our shooter could now do what ever he pleased with our camp and vehicles, now that we are slain. Sorry to make such a large wall of text, but this was very tragic for us. Some of our members are taking a long, long brake from Dayz. Spawning at the shore, I decide to try and find my way back to camp, and see what's possibly left. On my where there, a vehicle slams into my back, and I'm instantly killed. I believe it was the car from our camp....
  10. You don't happen to a member of US84... Are you?
  11. I am a member of JTF2 clan, and the SAS in server US84 are our sworn enemies. We have had many encounters with them, all went bad. Now that you say it... You might be right. We have killed them many times, but it always seems like there right back and ready to fight. Not to mention most of the time we see them they're in a helicopter. Are helicopters even back in Dayz yet?? Your on to something.

    Making looting more realistic!

    Sounds good. But it would be too much work for the designers ): I have no idea how they could that, or how much effort it would take. But it's probably a lot. This is something that should DEFINITELY be done if possible.


    sounds like a good idea, but I couldn't see it being used for many real situations. It's probably not something they would even bother putting in.

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    Well, something does need to be done to try and eliminate the shoot on sight that has been happening. But I think the main problem is that people are scared. people like myself want to help others, but in the back of my mind I know he's holding a rifle that can cause me serious pain, very easily. Unfortunately, that concept will ALWAYS be there, but there are some other things that can be done to ease player contact. Communication is key. Many players don't know how to use chat, or maybe they don't care? But communication always people to establish their intentions. I have made contact with many players that never spoke a word, and I can tell you, it's very frustrating. You don't know if the person is a bandit or survivor or what! I think there should be something done so that players (especially new ones) know exactly how to use communication. Maybe every time you spawn there is a quick message at the top of the scree that says how to communicate, and which channels to use. For OP's idea, I think it's good.There should be a way to tell if someone is a bandit quit easily. And it should be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more easy to become one. Two murders will make you a bandit. I'm saying this because I have had to kill players in self defence, and achieving vengeance on friends, yet the kills were considered murders. But on the other hand, there are situations where a murder may be necessary for survival. I do like your idea.
  15. well, there's no way you can barricade a town to make it your own. It doesn't work, trust me! Zombies will keep spawning there, and every other player will pass by too. New kinds of structures of barricades would be very nice, but not something as big as sandbag bunker. Still along the lines of barbed wire and tank traps would be nice. Me and my friends currently have a base consisting of 8 tents and a lot of barbed wire in the middle of the bush. So I know what I'm talking about.

    Universal server time

    People are scared of playing at night, but that's the best time to do high risk scavenging. Zombies can't see you (or players) and nobody is in the server. Perfect if you have a G17 or other guns with flash lights. I don't know if this is a good idea because many players might just stop playing when the servers are in night. Besides, this would be unfair because some people around the world may be limited to always playing in one game time. For example, if I live in Canada and always play during day, what if all the servers are always night then?

    Radios to communicate and broadcast

    Prepare yourself, you are about to hear what I think! Here it comes... Radios should certainly be added as an item you could find , very similar to a map, compass, watch, ext. They wouldn't be to hard to find. Radios would have different frequencies - or channels - that would allow you to hear and speak with anyone else on that channel. There would probably be 3 to 5 channels which could be changed with the scroll wheel or maybe right clicking it in the inventory. Although, I'm not really sure how you would actually speak into it... Maybe a new chat channel just for radios called "radio". As for range, I think it would need to be very far, but maybe not all the way across the map? I could just imagine the tension and drama that these babies would create. It would create many experiences that's for sure!

    Alternative food sources

    I bet they could make it so there are random spawn points within the limit of forests. They already have areas chosen as "forest areas", so it probably isn't that hard... Then people couldn't google spawn locations because they would be random in every server.

    Alternative food sources

    I approve of this post. Berries in certain bushes, as well as apples and some other natural found food is a good idea. A lot of people posting sound like it should be very common to find, but I think it should be the opposite. Natural food should be difficult to find and takes a while to spawn back after someone has taken it. It would also only regenerate some hunger, not all of it. It would be kind of like a nice thing to stumble upon, and sometimes a life saver, but not something to completely rely on.

    throw hatchet

    That's the stupidest thing I have ever herd. You could POSSIBLY kill one zombie with it, then you would have to pick it up and put in your inventory all over again.

    Defibrillator-Revive friends

    Maybe not defibrillator . But perhaps some type of kit that is able to bring people back once they have died. After a small amount of time, say 5, or 10 minutes?

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    They should really do this. It would spawn in one of the hangers on any airfield. Of course, it would need to be repaired and such. It should have a very slim spawn chance though. The only problem with this is that it would serve absolutely no purpose at all. I mean, what would you do with it? take off, fly around for a bit and land? Maybe it could be used as transportation from one airfield to another, but the airfields are the most high traffic areas on the map, especially for bandits! It would be still be a cool vehicle.

    A realistic way to balance PvP

    Sounds like a sour idea. Can't really explain why, but I don't like it.

    Tents Need Fixing PLEASEEEEE

    I never got the chance to use a tent, but I have been searching for them for SOOOOOOOO long. My friends and I desperately need one. Consider yourself lucky...