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About moondawg

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    On the Coast
  1. NO As long as there is no melee attacks, people will be defenseless. Without gun, i would have grabbed a stick.
  2. I think it was more the 75 murders... To the point, I guess people just adapted, and became better at the game. Also, with the removal of the banditskin, people gets WAY more careful around other players.
  3. moondawg

    NORWAY restarting every 30sec

    They saved today, worked fine from 13.00 until 15.30 when i logged off. I don't know whats up now
  4. moondawg

    Characters aren't saving

    It's all good now. Thanks for looking into this.
  5. moondawg

    Characters aren't saving

    Hello, I'm an admin at Norway 1&2, but I have no access to the box. As I understand it it's a different process than the two server exe's? SO RCon wont do me any good?