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About HolyShinji

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    On the Coast
  1. cause we aren't out of popcorn yet.
  2. HolyShinji

    Banned From on3 Servers.

    My friends and I play on NZ often when we aren't searching for gear, we tend to see these crates around every now and then, half the time they were only filled with hatchets but we choose not to pick them up cause we don't know if we will get banned from just using these crates. If a player has taken gear from a crate they did not spawn and did not know about, (i.e. they didn't ask a hacker to spawn it for them) then how can they know for sure that the items are not safe to use. If you are telling the truth and just stumbled upon these crates then the ban should be lifted since you were banned through someone else s' actions. The admins should be able to pull the logs to see if the scripts were ran by you.