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Everything posted by CarloNord

  1. that server is gone too, I can't see it, maybe it's cause I'm in Canada...
  2. well... this is lovely. What's the guy on the hospital roof gunna do :(
  3. Someone said there's barbed wire at the entrance, not sure if it's electro or cherno church though, the venue was changed and he may not know.
  4. No, not quite. It'll be announced 20 minutes before the start. so in about an hour?
  5. Ya, I'm still trying to get into his TS to try and coordinate me showing up, I wanna make sure I get good angles and not good shots, so far my messages on twitter and facebook have had no luck.
  6. He's got a teamspeak server apparently, I'm trying to contact him to see if I can get in, I want to be able to record this well.
  7. If you look on his reddit post/twitter/facebook, there's a large number of people volunteering to be guards.
  8. I just read on his twitter that the server name will be given 20 minutes before hand...
  9. I'm recording and throwing it up on my channel if you wanna see it tomorrow. I'm not streaming though, mic quality is strange sometimes so I want a chance to go over it before people see it.
  10. CarloNord

    best location for big camps

    What's the grid?
  11. Perfect, a church meeting in a post-apocalyptic world full of zombies in one of the most dangerous cities in the game... At night... What could go wrong?
  12. Only one more hour? So it's announced at 3 and happens at 4? (It's 2 where I am and I'm terrible with time zones)
  13. Oh, by the way, is this a private server or a regular one, as if it's an open one... Well you can see the danger.
  14. Agreed, there'll be people recording this, so unless you're going in, watch it on youtube and stay out.
  15. I pray that there's going to be no crap, I would like to document this milestone, but if you guys can't keep it in your pants, atleast make it enjoyable to watch, A10s would be nice.
  16. Shameless bump because I wanna be able to record whatever happens and enjoy the carnage/milestone.