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Everything posted by Alien1099

  1. Alien1099

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    A known cheater (calling you a hacker would be giving you too much credit) talking down to people because they supposedly didn't follow the rules? Dude, you need to quit huffing that jenkem. Hell you probably eat it too.
  2. Alien1099

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    How about you don't you not worry about things which do not concern you instead of being a busy body know it all that tries to tell other people how to manage their servers? In case you didn't know it, Deadmeat is a grown ass man and can handle any consequences should there be any.
  3. Alien1099

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    He is not a server admin. Only Deadmeat is as far as I'm aware, and that is not how he has been doing things. That is one guy's forum response to the situation which has no bearing on anything. Deadmeat has not been randomly banning random people. He banned the unknowns on the server when the cheating was going down and unbanned the legitimate users.
  4. Alien1099

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    They are like Michelle Obama telling the olympian how to eat. They know what's best for him.
  5. Alien1099

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    You are either completely stupid with no grasp of the situation or you are intentionally ignoring everything you have been told so you can try to continue crying and arguing your ridiculous position on a matter which has no bearing on you about how the admin isn't following the rules regarding bans. I'm going to go with the latter since nobody could be that stupid.For the last time he doesn't ban anybody at random. He banned several people he didn't know when there was a problem with cheaters and script kiddies on the server in one or two isolated instances. Yet all you want to do is keep saying banning random people is wrong. That's like somebody repeatedly telling you killing people is wrong when the guy you just killed tried to murder you first. Yeah killing people is usually wrong, but it's justified when it means saving your own life from a murderer.
  6. Alien1099

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I'll tell you what abuse is. It's reading your drivel on these forums. I'm gonna run tattle to the forums and admins because I don't like how somebody is handling the out of control cheating issues when they crop up on the server they pay for. Here's my question. WHY do you care? If somebody was inadvertantly banned they can contact the server admin if they care so much and get him to remove it. Otherwise they could go play on any number of other servers out there. It's not like this is a regular thing. Random people are on the server all the time. It was a single event where somebody or a group of people were making the server unplayable with their scripts and cheats. He knew one or more of the people on at the time was the problem. Personally I blame the devs for not showing more specificity when somebody dies instead of "XXXXX has died" or providing an easier way for an admin to be able to tell what somebody is doing.
  7. Alien1099

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    No, I live in a land called reality where we understand that we play on other peoples' servers at their expense. In a way I consider it their property and this whole stranglehold grip that Rocket tries to keep on the DayZ mod whereby he tries to dictate how people run the servers that they pay for that promote the game that they make money off of is a completely new and ridiculous concept to me when it comes to PC gaming.I have honestly never seen a bigger bunch of crybabies with such a sense of entitlement in my entire life.
  8. Alien1099

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Do you work for CNN? You'd make a good intern seeing as though you only report half the story. As has been mentioned, there were multiple cheaters and due to Rocket in his infinite wisdom, you cannot tell who kills who or who does what so you can figure out who the cheaters are. It was the only way to keep it under control without completely shutting down the server for an indefinite period of time. You make it look like he was just banning people for no reason and for his own benefit (keeping non clan people off the server) which couldn't be farther from the truth. Here's what gets me. If you don't like it, BUY YOUR OWN SERVER. I have never seen a bigger bunch of entitled babies in my life than people on these forums and in DayZ videos that complain about admins on the servers that the admins pay for because they think some guidelines/rules that Rocket supercedes the server admin's rights. I'm surprised people don't complain when servers disappear. I can see it now - "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ADMINXXX STOPPED PAYING FOR HIS SERVER AND IT'S GONE! I DEMAND HE CONTINUE PAYING FOR IT!"