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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. janivorickard@gmail.com


    You need to use Fraps or some other external measuring program.
  2. janivorickard@gmail.com

    Barren Wasteland.

    Unless you have gear you really don't want to lose i suggest just respawning to try and get out of the debug forest/plain, i've also read something about joining one of the CA servers to solve this issue, you might want to search around the forum for it.
  3. The lighting in this game is like that, you can change the quality of the HDR which is the cause of your "issues" but I don't think it's possible to turn it off completely unless there is some config file you can edit, also it depends on time of day and weather how much you'll notice it.
  4. You can always put it back in the tool belt, the problem though is to have space in your backpack for your main weapon next time you want to use the hatchet. Since players are a much bigger threat than zombies I'd go for something with a bit of range rather than a melee weapon.
  5. You run at different speeds depending on what you have equipped, rifle, pistol or nothing at all. There is nothing implemented for stamina or how much you are carrying.
  6. Rocket have stated you won't be banned for using a hacked weapon, spawning them can lead to your cdkey going invalid though. I would of course advice against keeping it anyway if you are at all unsure of it's origins.
  7. Just check temperatures with something like OCCT and if they're high, vacuum the fans in the computer and see if that helps. I've had similar artifacts from overheating in the past.
  8. Make sure that all temperatures are ok as well. That's a laptop right?
  9. The loot sheets aren't 100% accurate so the only one who knows for sure is probably Rocket.
  10. I think it's a bug, i've spawned in Novy twice after dying in the north, usually underneath a building though which takes some time to glitch out of.
  11. janivorickard@gmail.com

    Way points ?

    All maps get it because everyone on the server are treated as part of the same team, don't know if Rocket plans to do anything about it.
  12. You can find crowbars or hatchets almost everywhere now, they're more common than empty tin cans and you can easily hold of multiple zombies if you defend from inside a building. Unless you plan on playing in a group you're going to be crawling and sneaking alot, gun or no gun, so get used to it. Most of the coastal towns are picked clean though so i suggest heading at least a couple of Km inland if you want to find a gun with less risk.
  13. If it works without glitches or bugs you're good to go.
  14. janivorickard@gmail.com

    What is rearm?

    This must be true I think' date=' I found a box and did rearm and there were like 10 bandages and 5 epi pends, 5 morphine and all sorts of stuff in there, though to be fair, I didn't check before I clicked rearm, so maybe it was in there already but with everything picked clean around it, I doubt it. [/quote'] That is a bug though.
  15. janivorickard@gmail.com

    What is rearm?

    If the thing you click rearm on has ammo for weapons in your inventory it will fill up, most of the time like with the fire it's not working properly and won't do anything.