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About KOS11

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. tip = come to the server i am on, and let me offer my assistance as body gaurd and teacher, i will teach you basic squad/survival/strat/tactics for this scenario.
  2. my last words are typically "jesus christ mercy! dont shoot! im unarmed"
  3. in any event, i do have it on fraps, epic footage ive watched it 5 times wondering if it was a pair. cause there where only two other guys on the server at the time, i also have that on fraps. it goes to the library.
  4. i have the whole thing on fraps... and at the end they used the script to msg and say HI! did you even read the post?
  5. kk, not a bitching, not a whining, just saying, and wanting to know. spent yesterday and today, having fun in bean war electro, repaired a broken down truck, spent all day yesterday learning lol. flat tires etc. anyhoot, got it goin again this morning! nearly gunned down a guy near by, but he was fresh so i patched him up and got him high with the morphine and pain killers. gave him a lift to a tent i had, set him with everything but weapons, and dropped him off at the south airfield. next, i stock myself up, fuel up, head north, to a spot i know, and after playing all this all morning. i step outside in RL to get high. at the back of my mind im thinking, gotta log back on, gotta move my truck before i get shit done today. so i log back on. no sooner than five fucking seconds, out of the corner of my eye, on the top of the tiny hill covered in trees. was a fucking PLAYER! i was like, i duno if thats a zombie or wut, click engine on drive away! FUCKER TAKES SHOTS! i make it clear of the tree line. put the peddle to the mettal. hes still fuckin shooting, akm for sure. so i see a stone fence, i drive to it and take cover, protecting my wheels (tada!) and get out! i take a firing postion behind the stone fence, and let him have it, i have no idea if i hit him or not. but he took cover thats for sure. so i got in the truck and fucked off again.... he started shooting some more. but i made it to the road... home free... or so i thought... bare in mind, on this server... server us 1988 at this hour, is dead. only 2 other guys in it, and a vet server. heading north on the pavement, i was shot at... again!@, i was heading out into the middle of no where, just out nw of the nw air field... first the tires and body went, then BOOM! my death... lol. got it all on fraps 2 anyhoot. ive heard storys about hackers doing this, positioning themselves ahead of you and ambushing... in any event... epic footage... guess i have to get a film editor/ converter so as i can convert it from fraps. anyone got suggestions? if it is hacks? should i report it? how do i do that? thanks guys. peace out. click clik bang. p.s. nm, i forgot, it was a hacker, they msged in the middle of the screen when i died, and it said greetings (english) loooool. fuckers, i wish i could squish there faces.
  6. LFG been playing solo since forever. experienced in basic squad tactics, shoot n scoot etc. experienced navigater, i can get to every tree stand on the map without a compass. lots are on the coast, good revenge OPPS when needed. experienced basic radio work. (picture a guy who calls his shots/distances/etc) i am a stickler for efficiency and time management. dont waste my god damn time. )( no large camps or server organizations please, i need not that group dynamic associated with mole activity. Im just here to learn and move on. off to bean wars. p.s. dont even think about fucking with me, ill just fuck right back.
  7. was in a warehouse, i know i was spotted for sure when i went to the next ware house, cause i heard feety steps, so i tucked in a corner, and found out it was more than one person. surrounded the building with me in it both exits. and then buddy ran around a corner and shot me exactly with a silenced weapon... i tap tap tap aroo the key, so i dont take full steps and make noise in this warehouse. how the fuck did he know i was there exactly coming around a corner? WH? 5 mins ago i had 7 murders and one bandit kill. to the guy who opened the door in the boat house, and we had our random three second meeting before i shot you point blank, its day z bro.
  8. DONT PUT ON GHILLI OR CAMO CLOTHS YOU WILL LOOSE ALL YOUR IMMIDIATE INVO ITEMS. anything else admins??? any other bugs youve noticed people posting about? think you could find TEN FUCKING MINUTES of your time to make a sticky post on the subject vrs your fan base spending hours and hours searching through long winded threads. anything else we should fucking know about? would sure be nice to know before i slave 12 hours over 2 days only to loose everything to LAZYNESS. un fucking real.
  9. unfortunately because its so hot out, i cannot run arma 2 during the daytime for fear of burning out my video card/motherboard/ram lawl. if i run the game my internal thermo reads well above 31-32 deg C. in any event! ive been watching the forums and cant wait to play this new patch. zombies are crazy hard you say? run up hills you say? run in buildings you say? see you while proned behind grass you say? *cracks fingers* i accept your challenge at survival. so far i can keep a toon going for about 6-12 hours at a time running solo. (i put in about 4-6 hours after work all week, you would be amazed how much money you can save sitting on your ass doing nothing) so in about 6.5 hours from now after ive had my nappy nap and its cooling off i will jump on and we will just see how tough this really is!
  10. KOS11

    post-apocalyptic state

    yea got it all wrong m8, most people see it black and white like that, let me break it down for you. the end of the world as we know it, even if its a zombie appoc. is gonna be... EXACTLY the same as the world is today! minus law and order! your gonna have goodie goods running around screaming save the planet! your gonna have pedos stealing children! your gonna have hippies forming drum circles! your gonna have armed militia running over hippies! your gonna have colony's of people following a guy who looks like jesus! your gonna have colony's of people following satan! ------------------------------ people who say that absolutely every ones gonna join hands and work together are delusional. people who say that absolutely every ones gonna go solo paranoid, trust no one KOS are delusional. ------------------------------ look i cant remember who posted it in the last week, but the guy said it perfectly. something along the lines of. dont be naive, we invented laws for a reason, and there is a reason they have to be enforced. you got good people, you got bad people. and thats only if you believe in that duality of good and evil. me, i personally try not to draw that line. if your a pedo, yea id call that evil, and i am for the government changing the law to either castrate or execute you for permanently screwing up a child. no mercy for pedos. but as far as morals in DAYZ compared to real world. fuckin please... look ill tell you exactly what will happen in a DAYZ scenario. and its really simple. Good or bad, the idiots will die. Good or bad, the smart ones will survive. tada!
  11. some people will say pvp is the most annoying thing ever... me... i say getting lost in the stix is... today i got so turned around i literally ended up running a 1.5 hour circle and right back to where is started within a click or 2. eventually i ended up where i wanted to be... but it took all morning! which pops an interesting question. why do people travel in circles when there lost? i havent had any trouble finding my way through the map, when i have a map. and sure the compass helps, so wtf happened to me this morning? turns out! it was because it was dark out! i had a tough time distinguishing my surroundings and tree lines, even tougher figuring out which road was pointed where with no compass, or sun! eventually i decided that padding through the bush and fields wasnt going anywhere. so i followed a power line, that lead to a road, that led to a fork in the road, that led to a town with a church. turns out it was the same damned town i started in hours ago XD god was watching and laughing, because when i looted the church i found a damned compass! GRR! i still dont know why humans travel in circles when there lost, but its true apparently... i just hit the google looking for an answer, unfortunately all it did was tell me what i already knew, that when lost, people literally walk in circles! so how the hell did i manage to do this in game? its not like one foot is longer/stronger than the other like some people claim to be the reason? any ideas anyone?
  12. first off, congrats on creating such a great game. ive played every day for a week, and for three consecutive days when i had my three day weekend. ive learned a lot about people and urban survival. now ive got a couple small suggestions if your open to them, i have no idea what your master plan might be lol. 1. ive read people suggest a timer for quick escaping, while thats not a horrible idea, i'm a three use's or scrap it kind of guy. why not simply make it so that you cannot log out while in a building, or on a city/pavement. -gets rid of alt-f4 if a persons trying to escape a zombie, and or another player. -no more server hopping for easy loot in office buildings etc... you have no idea how annoying it is to sweep every room only to have some jag off spawn behind you and blow you away. -barb wire problems solved. there just doing it because there dicks, greedy, and dont want anyone else to nab any items (no competition), not to mention making sure they dont loose anything cause no ones in a building. 2. graveyards! ive never seen a town or village without one! i know its a cliche! but it makes sense lol. 3. eggs! and dr. prepper for food/drink. well thats about it. there was one other thing, but since i switched to the grave yard shifts at work ive been pretty loopy. love the game, wish there where more maps tho :( oh! i just remembered! notes! it would be awesome if i could leave a little note in someones tent, or posted on a wall or something like that. maybe certain spots you could have billboards or something and be like KOS was HERE
  13. eventually that feeling of guilt will go away. what you did was actually called a "set up" like, when your walkin home from work, and you pass an ally, and you hear someone scream ahhh help me, and its a girl so you run down the ally only to find out shes not being raped or murdered, you are. i grew up on the streets m8, you do what you have to do to survive, anyone who says there different is full of shit. now ill tell you when you should feel bad. feel bad when you befriend someone for several hours, days or weeks, then betray them. thats what you call a traitor, or in some circles a spy. its lower than low on the scum scale, not only that, but people like that can never be trusted, even by there own group/squad, there sell outs, or what the streets would call a one time use. personally i think if there dumb enough to let you get to melee range they deserve what they get. only trust friends you know in real life, or from other games you know you can trust. theres a reason my handle is KOS, cause if you dont I WILL!
  14. your close, but no cigar, the article was actually written by someone else, and if im not mistaken in a completely different year etc. if you re read it again, you will no doubt notice references made to the one that you pulled up. as far as that qwak is concerned, im not even sure what planet he/she/it is on. wiki is not an encyclopedia, and there is billions of dollars invested in drugs for psyciatric care, and according to those same "experts" she works for/preaches 90% of us have issues, and they can all be treated with scripts, just sign on the bottom line. all i was trying to do is paint a comparison between the authors idea of different types of people in different states of developement as a society, in relation to different states of developement in the game. thanks for playing, the coffee i went out for is getting cold :D KOS cause if you dont i will :D