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Posts posted by Zanso

  1. Well the server came back "Online" after about two hours. Guess what? Car is gone.

    Here's a little update. We all spawned in at our camp, and there was a group of people there and they shot us. They were NOT there when the server "Went down". This is complete bull s**t.

    Before anyone suggests that maybe they just logged in there, it's not true. We have people in our group from all different time zones and at least one person is always there.

  2. My friends and I were playing on Seattle 26 (50 slot server) when we stumbled across a car in the woods. About two minutes after we got the car the server "Went Down". The only problem is that the players that were still online did not receive the "No messages received in blank seconds" message. A few of us weren't in the server so we went and filtered for it, and guess what? The server showed up offline.

    This wouldn't necessarily be a big deal, but we believe that the car that we found was owned by one of the admins group. About ten of us feel that this is an abuse of power and that something needs to be done about this. We don't want the car back, we just want the server to be fair for all players.

    Thank you very much for your time.

    - Zanso
