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About Jakeob22

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  • Interests
    Looking for supplies
    Killing Zombies

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  • Bio
    I'm just a survivor that wants to help people out.
  1. Name: Sean Age: 17 TeamSpeak Name: Jakeob Mic?: yeah Why do you want to join?: Need a group that will stick out for each other and be active. Experience in game: I've been playing for about 6-7 months but only recently became a very active player. Timezone: Central (GMT - 6) Bio: Scavenger that needs somebody to scavenge for. I want to search for items that I can give to somebody that will use them more effeciantly than I will. Can't wait to get working with you guys if I'm accepted. :D In game Name: Jakeob
  2. Hello, I'm Jakeob and I'm looking for a well organized, active group based in the US. I'm 17 and I've been playing for about 6-7 months now. I've only really been active for a couple weeks, though. I'm willing to give anything I find to the group and help out with whatever is needed. Thanks for any responses and if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
  3. Age: 17 Can you speak English: Yes Steam Name: jakeob22 Country of Residence: United States How long have been playing DayZ: It's been about 7-8 months, though I haven't played too much until recently. Do you have any military experience: I do not, but I can easily understand tactics and take orders. Why do you want to join the Red Devil Company: Seems like a well organized team that looks out for eachother and plans ahead. What can you bring to the clan: Somebody that will scavenge and fight for the clan and can take orders without argument. Hope I get accepted and I can't wait to join.
  4. Jakeob22

    Looking for camping tents

    I'm also looking for a tent(s). Anybody that can help, please message me or post here!
  5. Thanks guys! :D (I was talking about unpitched tents, but the tips about where to find other people's tents will help me in the future! :D)
  6. Where would I have the best chance of finding a tent? What about night vision goggles? Thanks!
  7. Jakeob22

    Six Updater doesn't list

    Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the help guys, I'm just going to play until the next version is available on Six Launcher. :)
  8. Hi. I've been trying to update DayZ for about a week now. I figured it was a problem with Six Updater, and I could wait it out, but then it never came up. I must be doing something wrong. I click on the Six Launcher and verify. I asks me if I want to launch but it still says at the top, and I can't join servers. Then I go to Six Updater and it updates. I'm still on when I check and I look through the list for the newest update. It's not on the list. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  9. Jakeob22

    Placing items?

    If I wanted to form a small base with my friends and we picked a building, would I be able to leave items there for them? I mean, if I place some guns on the ground and leave, will they stay there forever?
  10. I've seen servers with the DayZ version and the Arma 2 version. I have the correct version of DayZ, but I'm not sure how to check my Arma version. D: Any help?
  11. Question - Is the version not working? Will it be fixed? Should we all just downgrade or wait it out?
  12. How long will it be before we will be able to use Six Launcher?
  13. Jakeob22

    Confused and Annoyed Newb

    Ha! I already did that... twice. xD
  14. Jakeob22

    Confused and Annoyed Newb

    Can I be linked to where I could get the beta patch? And does it work if I downloaded with steam?
  15. Jakeob22

    Confused and Annoyed Newb

    But what if I only have the demo Arma II? D: