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About serpent10i

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Basically no. Its not any guaranteed value it decreases over distance and time. In real life it is generally regarded as the distance a shooter can make a killing shot efficiently. In arma you can make shot much longer then the effective range of a weapon if you know how a gun handles and have a good feel for the bullet drop. This may be to the bullet hitting your respective target but the person has moved or it simply missed and bounced on the ground to the point that you saw the impact. Also 50m is not a hard target to hit and simply >50m shots are not a test. Try hitting targets at 300-1000m to see bullet drop.
  2. serpent10i

    Good Video Card Upgrade

    Both the 560 TI's and the 7850 are great mid range cards that can handle ArmA 2 easly. Your processor seems fine but getting another 4 gigs of ram (assuming your motherboard supports it) will also help just in general. I would wait and get the graphics card first then upgrade your processor.
  3. serpent10i

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Quick great trade. Well quick once DayZ stopped trying to kill FishIsTwonk. Thank you. Would trade again!
  4. serpent10i

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    In game name: Serpent What you're trading: 1xMp5Sd6 + 2xM9 or 1xM24. What you want: M4 CCO SD age: 16 current clan (if in one): United Operations(Mostly ACE ArmA but they do a bit of dayz) will you be using overwatch (for my own safety): No BTW I cant PM you... It says "User can not be pmed at this time" or something to that effect.
  5. serpent10i

    Hmm, dearstands

    The items spawn when you are about 200m away but if you are running quickly/using a car they will not spawn in time because items DONT spawn when you are with in ~100m so If you are lagging or moving quickly items will never spawn for you.
  6. serpent10i

    North dead or just my server?

    Consider your self lucky... Normally the north, or anywhere but cherno/electro is pretty dead. Spotting players is very hard some times and MOST players would rather not bother you.
  7. serpent10i

    M9 SD or M1911?

    Put one in your backpack. They take up 5 slots. also DONT DROP THE M9sd. Its (IMO) the best side arm in the game. Nearly silent, 4 hit kill (like any other side arm) ammo is kinda hard to find but head shot are 1 hit kills so 15 kill per mag if your good. The 1911 is also a 4 hit kill with a 7 round mag so that blows. I would always recommend the M9sd over any other side arm... except perhaps the PDW because it can use nearly any ammo and has OK irons...
  8. serpent10i

    How Long Do You Scout?

    Depends. If its just me ill normal scout as I run up to the loot (0 seconds of waiting)... but if I have friends the we will pick a overwatch w/ a sniper or there long range gun and then the others will run up the the cover and watch of the sniper. Although I normaly hit up places like super markets and deer stand on my own and only venture to Vlypor/NW/Stary with friends.
  9. serpent10i

    Is the ghillie suit not ingame anymore?

    Yes they are still in game but they don't seem to spawn in residential any more. :'(
  10. serpent10i

    Things that make you happy. Considering morale.

    This is great. I hope this is added. also when I read the topic I thought this would be another thread bashing bandits (tho I'm not against it) I like that you have a new approach. I think there should also be a large moral drop on your first kill and then smaller and smaller as you become a cold hearted killer.
  11. serpent10i

    AS50, Mil-Dots and Ranging

    Thats what I was telling you in my post.
  12. serpent10i

    The Answer to Everyones Prayers

    feeble minds rarely differ. :P
  13. serpent10i

    Minecraft - DayZ

    NO we shall NEVER speak of that "game"... EVER! >:(