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About mickeyFour

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  1. I am Milk, and I can assure everybody that I was not getting it in with Suzy. I didn't in any way, shape or form instigate this man to kill me. He gave up full gear and an ATV for one kill.
  2. mickeyFour

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    It wouldn't be in the next patch notes for no reason..
  3. mickeyFour

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    I agree 100%. I love this game and I think it's headed in a great direction. It just stinks that I can't go to half of the places on the map because of this. Also, it's just a tad annoying that I was ready for this to be removed with the patch that was targeted for yesterday. -_-
  4. mickeyFour

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    It has nothing to do with your system being "below par." My buddy who plays on a laptop on the lowest settings doesn't get them at all while I do. Somedays I get the glitch worse than others; just the other day I didn't have it at all, but ever since this patch I get the glitch 80% of the time near dead soldiers (Balota, NWAF, Cherno, Stary, etc.)
  5. mickeyFour

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    I've had my video memory set to default since day 1 and I'm getting the graphical glitches. I've tried almost every "fix" that has been spread and none have worked. My equipment is great and my game always runs smooth. I never once received any graphical glitches until So instead of "calling people out," you should just keep your mouth shut until you have your facts straight.
  6. I kill and hide the bodies. Find me, I dare you.
  7. mickeyFour

    My screen shaking

    You used a Heatpack and Painkillers but you're still shaking? Is it a constant shake or a pulse-like shake? If it's the latter you might just need some more blood. Otherwise, I'm not sure if being infected causes shaking or not, but if you were infected you would be losing blood every second.
  8. mickeyFour

    My screen shaking

    If Painkillers don't help then you might need a Heatpack or Antibiotics.
  9. I don't know if this would be the same issue, but I just solved my own freezing at the multiplayer server selection problem. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47257-arma-2-oa-freezes-when-i-click-on-the-multiplayer-tab/page__gopid__454232#entry454232
  10. Well, I solved my own problem. It turns out that it was just a firewall issue.
  11. mickeyFour

    Shot in the foot?.....1 hit kill weapons?

    If you shoot at someone from behind you will more than likely have at least one more chance to shoot. I'd be fine with it if it was more rare OR if it's only one-shot above the waist. I just think that from a balance perspective the gun is way too powerful for how easy it is to obtain. Catch one unlucky survivor from behind and you automatically get his beans.
  12. mickeyFour

    Shot in the foot?.....1 hit kill weapons?

    I'm fine with snipers getting one shot kills but I think the Lee Enfield is kind of lame. If it were up to me I'd have the Lee Enfield nerfed, removed, or more rare. It's kind of silly that a new "born" survivor can find a Lee Enfield and quickly one-shot someone who has been alive for days with military equipment. I don't like PvP in the cities anymore since if you don't snipe or have a Lee Enfield you are at a disadvantage (for the most part).
  13. Just as my topic says, when I try to launch DayZ (manual installation) my game will freeze when I click on multiplayer. It will just say "Receiving..." and I have to Alt+F4. I know that the game is installed correctly as I've manually installed it roughly 7 times now (for myself and friends). I just got new computer equipment so I'm unsure if it's an issue involving the new build. When I tried running the game with Six-Updater every server on the list had 9999 ping (no matter how long I waited and how many times I refreshed). When I tried joining a server it worked. The game ran smoothly and everything ran as expected, but being as stubborn as I am I'd like to remove Six-Updater and be able to play with the manual installation again. So again, when I launch the game I click the multiplayer tab (which will show the list of servers) and the game just freezes. Anyone have any knowledge or a solution to this? Thanks. (In case anyone is curious.) My Specs: ASRock Z77 Extreme6 - Mobo Intel i7 3770k Quad-Core 3.5GHz - CPU Radeon HD 6870 - GPU G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 1600 - RAM Corsair 650TX - PSU
  14. mickeyFour

    Camo Clothing

    Before the hotfix for changing clothes I found one gillie suit in an apartment. Since the hotfix I have not found any.