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Everything posted by Syntax323

  1. Syntax323

    Dont lay down next to tent........

    It may have been the tree as-well. Trees have been known to do that!
  2. Syntax323

    Never seen this before, a man on a map?

    When you see someone, it'll show on map. When you spot zombies for etc. it'll show up on map. Survivors as-well.
  3. I'm sorry. I went down to beach to meet a buddy. Was sitting in tree line near cherno waiting for him to log in. I heard gunfire right next to me. I crouch behind a tree and look over. I see two guys looting two dead bodies of people they just killed. Obviously you guys weren't looking to sit around a fire with a cup of tea and chit chat. I take aim, and revenge the two fallen survivors. Shot 3 bullets from my m4 in a quick burst knocking down the first guy. The second I see prone crawling into a bush for cover. I unload 20 rounds into the bush to see you die. I cautiously walk over to the sound of flys and 4 bodies. I notice it only got 1 kill. Look over and 1 of you is still bleeding passed out. I put you down to be with your friend. As I'm seeing what you guys were carrying, I hear someone running nearby. I leave the gear screen and here is another guy full on sprinting at me with a axe! What the hell? Switch the m4 to full auto and took him out. I'm sorry but I have no trust with all this going on next to me I'm cherno. Just protecting myself. On, and right after than about 15 minutes. A group of 3 heavily armed tried to rob me. Hmm
  4. Syntax323

    Guns lost

    So, after that whole fiasco of "l85 removed from game" bs, come to find out, it was just a rumor, and it was actually just bugged out when the update hit? Who spread the rumor in the first place? Were people just assuming? I should have waited to update. Yes yes, I know "it's in alpha" "don't get attached to gear". Which is fine, I understand. People have to admit though, it is frustrating when you log in and stuff just vanished, regardless of the, alpha, attached to gear statements. Just a small little vent. I'm not angry, more of a 'meh' attitude. Flustered, I suppose? Just ranting because when I logged it, my L85, and M4 CCO SD, and 1911 were just completely gone from inventory, Left me without any weapons for some reason, which resulted in my death because of defense. :( Was their ever actually a cause for things to vanish, or just a bug from updating?
  5. Well good to see people understand :) I do not agree with what you said in regards to the game being a deathmatch. Their has been plenty of occasions were I've ran into people up north, we see eachother and see eachothers gear and we come to agreement that neither of us want to take the chance in losing it. Its happened plenty of times, or ill pass people litterally 5 feet away and all they say is hey what's up, and we keep on going our seperate ways. Its only deathnatch in the known hostile major cities, cherno being one of them. Not very often you'll go their and find a guy ready to come face to face. Most of the time I don't shoot on sight unless I see something like that for example. I give warning shots, and it works sometimes. Just the sound of the m4 is very aggressive, don't mess with me kind of sound. Haha. Ill tell you guys about the robbery here in a bit. That was very very scary. Most intense confrontation I've ever had. I'm on my phone right now just plucking away so it'll take a bit for that story. Its good though. I was shaking like a leaf wwhen it happened. I had to quit playing for a bit after the event happened cause I was stunned, haha!
  6. Don't listen to them beefburger. They are a PRIME example of why Rocket said he is 100% against having a forum. Why these idiots bother posting if they are just going to flame is beyond me. If it honestly makes you that angry, hit the back button and find something worthy to contribute, asshats.
  7. Don't flame me. I've been reading all through the forums, and it's just chaos. Can't tell from rumor to what is actually true. Someone mind explaining what is going on? Was their a character wipe? Is it bugged? Everyone isn't very clear in what they are trying to say... Are some people not having issues logging in w/ the update, or is everyone screwed?
  8. Syntax323

    What exactly is going on?

    I really don't mind. I've been a part of so many Alpha's and Beta's, it's just part of the deal. Everyone jumps in expecting this is the final game. I agree with Rocket when he said he didn't want anything to do with forums. It would have been best. I mean, look at the out cry when something isn't going their way... Everyone just needs to relax. A guy that developed a mod, getting this much attention is hard enough to take on as it is. As if that isn't enough stress, come into a forums with a bunch of babies might make someone a little frustrated. This all reminds me of way back in the day when Counter-strike first came out as a mod for half-life. I remember downloading it the day it hit the internet. Still playing to this day! Hope to see rocket take this game as far as they did.
  9. Syntax323

    What exactly is going on?

    Thank you, rinaun. I understand exactly how their systems works. I was just not understanding what happened with the update. I just got home, popped on the forums, saw the update came out, and saw tons of threads of people freaking out. Given I have great gear, i'm 100% aware that this is a alpha and am fine with starting from scratch. Though, if it wasn't intended to reset characters, or their is a bug when joining directly after update hit, i'd prefer to save myself the hours of looting. :)
  10. Syntax323

    What exactly is going on?

    That isn't an answer, The Black Pope. In no way am I complaining about any loss or anything. I'm just trying to figure out what is going on. Don't throw the typical "welcome to an Alpha mod" response, when you did NOT read.
  11. Syntax323

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    Yeah, don't know what you guys are talking about saying the thermal distance was way to long. Not saying it's easy for people to go out and use thermal in real life but, for those of us that have used thermal, know that it is accurate. ARMA is based upon extreme realism, they wouldn't have put something in the game that isn't accurate. Hell, youtube it. What do you think the police use in helicopters at night to spot criminals on the run? Don't see them going to court saying it's over powered, let me try to run again... haha. I can see yes, and no of it being removed. Yes it's a zombie apocalypse, and it kind of defeats the purpose of being stealth and trying to hide. No, because, well...their is a ton of military bases, helicopter crash sites, and it's a military weapon. I can see it going both ways. Instead of removing it, think I would have just made it even more rare than it was. So, not everyone could just get one, and balance it. Oh well, I don't mind either way. I had one, and like most only used to to scout my path, and to hunt for animals.
  12. So I know how to do it, go from backpack to inventory, not the other way around. I also know it moves the magazines with the weapon. What if both my weapons take the same magazines? Will it still attempt to move the magazines? Wanted to ask before I do it and lose something. Thank you :)
  13. I'm afraid to try, haha. Both very rare guns!
  14. What? I know how to see in backpack. I'm talking about switching primary weapons. I have two. One in my pack and one im holding. They both take the same magazines. I wanted to switch the one from backpack to holding. I know it used to make the weapon disapear if you didn't have room. Don't know if this is still the case?? Also wondering, since they both take the same magazines, will it still try to move the magazines with the rifle?
  15. Syntax323

    Could You Pull The Trigger?

    In Game: 1. Game does it for me :s (IRL: of course, I live in Arizona, have my CCW, and have too many guns :) ) 2. No. 3. I don't. I hide where I can't be seen, and attempt to make contact. I do everything I can in attempt to avoid any firefights. I generally try to help people if I run into them. I don't stick around with people too long, maybe a few minutes, because i've read to many stories of people back stabbing others for gear. With the gear I have, I don't risk it, not that i'm very attached, I just keep it easy. :)
  16. Anyone help me out? Still haven't tried, too afraid to lose my stuffffs
  17. I've been playing this series since Flashpoint days. Yes, the engine has it's issues. Seeing as their are a incredibly huge spike in players due to this fantastic mod, thought i'd throw out a few fixes that dramatically improve fps, and make your game play experience much better. If you're like me, your first impression was unsatisfactory. You were met with either incredible lag when playing all but the most simple missions, your mouse felt like it was attached to your gun via rubber band, and overall you found the game unplayable. FPS lag fix: Step 1: Go into your "My Documents" folder. Step 2: Open "ArmA 2" folder. Step 3: Look for the following lines in ArmA2.cfg, ArmA2OA.cfg, and any other ArmA versions you have. GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; Step 4: Change them to: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Profit. This should dramatically help your FPS lag. Now for the mouse lag. Mouse lag fix: Step 1: Open ArmA 2. Step 2: Open your control settings for whatever profile you use. Step 3: Drag mouse smoothing to zero. (you know how long it took me to realize that this option was their, and I had the game for a long time! I thought it was just part of the game and had to deal with it. What a difference! Much more enjoyable!!!) Oh, and one more thing. This will further help FPS and especially help if you're hosting a game which is CPU intensive. Got more than one CPU on your computer? Probably. Most computers do today. CPU resource increase: Step 1: Go into the Steam library (or the shortcut you use to launch ArmA 2 if you're not using steam). Step 2: Right click on shortcut, Open properties, then launch options (or just properties if it's a shortcut). Step 3: Add the following line to the launch options (or shortcut path): -CpuCount=# (with # corresponding to the number of CPUs you have or want to use for ArmA. I have a six cores, so I put 6.) ...and that's it. Right off the bat you'll notice a huge increase, and the game will feel a lot more playable. Enjoy! See you in game. My name is 'Jason' in-game, so if you happen to run into me, I am friendly! Hope you guys will spare me, and I will spare you. Any hostility and we'll have ourselves a western shootout. :)
  18. A bump for all the newcomers to the mod! Hope it helps you all!
  19. Syntax323

    My first murder

    Well, Just took a guys life. Was running around near Elektro as I was just getting ready to start dying of thirst and hunger. I start running to anything I can find, when I suddenly hear gun fire. I run to the direction of it, when I see a survivor in a ghillie suit next to a red roof barn sitting in the open. I am not one to kill on sight, I will only shoot in my self defense, or if I feel threatened, but I try to help others out if I can. I sat in the tree line and watched him just crouched their. Over the mic I asked him multiple times if he was friendly. I told him don't do anything crazy or i'll fire. I even typed it out asking friendly multiple times. I know he heard me because he instantly started scouring the tree line and started to move closer to the barn while keeping an eye on the zombies. I told him to stop moving, or I will shoot. Again searching the tree line for me. It all happened very fast, but I couldn't tell if he shot into the tree line or not, but my heart was racing as it was, nd I opened fire with semi auto AKM. It looked as if I hit him in leg and in chest, and he dropped. Still alive I finished him off with a few more shots as he wasn't unconscious but firing while prone. Feel sort of bad as he was loaded with gear, but I didn't want to take the chance of me dying when I gave him a chance. Whoever you are, sorry it happened the way it did, but I wasn't about to come walking up to you and give you the chance to kill me. Next time just respond and I would have let you go no problems. Your gear will be put to good use, sorry for the hard work you did to get it, but you know how it is. :( On to the prize list: L85A2 AW2 M4A1 CCO SD x8 Mags 1x Antibiotics 1x Blood bad Assortment of food/water bottles M1911 x6 Mags 2x Morphine 2x Painkillers 1x Red smoke grenade Matches Compass GPS NV Goggles Rangefinder Toolbox Coyote Backpack P.S This was my first murder, as I try am mostly friendly. Last night I got into a firefight with someone who I shot 3 times in the leg and he passed out. I walked over to him and told him again all he had to do was respond and not engage and situation would have been different. He told me to fuck off. Gave him a morphine and left. I try to leave on a good note for the most part.
  20. Syntax323

    My first murder

    Thank you Asasaint. Yeah, I know I did. Not like I was trying to rob the guy. I was just trying to make my way through without being seen trying to find food and water, and this guy was blocking my path. It was a simple answer he could have said. If he would have responded, I would have told him to put weapon down and walk away. He didn't know exactly where I was at, because I was very well hidden behind a bush and tree. Perfect example people. Those who run up to other players and yell "FRIENDLY?"...Just don't do it. No one can be trusted unless you know them, or they actually do respond and have a good chat, even than it can be iffy. Don't complain by saying you were shot on sight asking if friendly. Have to be sneaky and hide to the point where you can see him perfectly, but he can't see you. Make sure he knows that as-well. That way if you do happen to be found and killed, at least you tried. If you run up to him, that's your own fault and no remorse! :) Gosh, I don't even know what to do now with all this gear...Haha
  21. Syntax323

    My first murder

    Well, duh, of course i'm going to get killed...haha! Until than, thought i'd be one of the nice people you run into ever so often, and make it's so it's isn't a "once upon a time" fairy tail of running into someone who won't shoot on sight. :) I like to help. It's a fun way to play. Helping people out, and at the same time I get to kill people who don't comply. Works for me!
  22. Syntax323

    My first murder

    Yeah, this entire game is like a fucked up action/horror movie to me. Haha Yeah this guy was extremely loaded. Their was a few other little items I wanted, but my heart was racing, and I was in the middle of a open field right next to Elektro w/ 45 people in the server. Couldn't stick around too long. Definitely feel bad because he was so loaded... but I mean, it happens, it's a game. Same thing happened to me two days ago. We all move on. That's the glory this game holds, as Rocket has said numerous times. He wants people to have emotions when they play, and this mod does exactly that. I may feel guilt, and joy at the same time, while he is probably pissed off. It really does amaze me how a game can give these emotions. Haven't really had that from a game before. It's great.
  23. Syntax323

    Desolation is looking for a few good men.

    What do you use to communicate? I'm interested. Edit: Nevermind. Read it and applied it.
  24. Syntax323

    360 no-scope with DMR

  25. Okay, and who cares if players are from minecraft, cod, it any game. Its a game Meant for entertainment purposes. People who act like they are more entitled to play over someone else... now that appalls me.