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Everything posted by airfell

  1. airfell

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    A new one. Edit: added another with similar processing.
  2. airfell

    Suggestion: Partially blind server populations

    Right now you can go into servers with literally Zero players. That takes any and all risk out of gearing up for your pvp, killing the expierence of DayZ. Back when I made the first thread mentioned in my OP here, I was for completely blind servers, however I can appriciate at least some information about quantity. One neat thing about this code is that its dynamic. It adjusts based on serverwide populations ( minus empty servers of course) Course, IMO if you JUST want PVP, you should have bought ARMA III. That game is just PvP. Go play the Wasteland mod.
  3. airfell

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Sorry for the double post. Didn't wanna edit the first. Made a new version of the last wallpaper, and made another. Both in 1920x1080
  4. airfell

    Applying Pressure To Your Wound

    I like the idea to a certain extent. Perhaps if "applying pressure to wounds" would only be useful for those one shot kill's that would normally kill you. Say you're with a friend and get hit by a sniper in a critical place, said friend could apply pressure for a X% chance to save you. I really only like this idea because it adds that "Saving Private Ryan" at-the-radar-station-trying-to-save-your-buddy feel.
  5. airfell

    You know sceneComplexity?

    Are you guys talking about adjusting this in the Game or the Mod?
  6. Running around with a friend last night a wizard appeared in front of us. Much to my amazement I was unable to react. Literally, I couldn't equip a weapon, and then he cast a spell killing us both instantly. Despite being out of place in a zombie apocalypse themed game, magic is rather strong vs non-magic users. Needs to be dialed back for gameplay balance.
  7. airfell

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    I honestly just don't care anymore, it was something that happened, but I tried to make a joke of it in a fun way. Oh well.
  8. airfell

    "NO PvE servers" says the rules.

    Empty servers are great for PvE. Problem solved.
  9. airfell

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    My brotheren speaketh the truth. After much palavor I know not if the events of this day's eve were truly dark magic, or a rift in this world- yet the outcome was not in our favour. I do wield the eye of Dxtory, enhanced with the enchants of the Lagarith Lossless, but lack the storage space to archive its records at all times. Dark magic or not, we shall now keep a keen eye and our wits for this world contains many holes in its thin fabric of existence. Heed our warning travelers; Balance must be found before the world moves on.
  10. airfell

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    He appeared in front of us, perhaps he had left this world for another, only to return in front of us, however; it was only I that was striken by the inability to move. My friend was more than able to equip a fireaxe and attempt to strike him down- serveral hits to no avail. The wizard didn't even move and unleashed his magic upon us. The event lasted around 20 seconds tops. ~Go then, there are other worlds than these.
  11. As the title states, don't show server populations. Playing the mod, its sometimes a tough call on how you want to play. A full server typically means frag fest, however an empty one can mean free loot, (however boring it may be). Even being able to see how many are on while you're in a server can give you hints as to what you may run into or how well you need to keep your guard up. Since DayZ to me is a game somewhat about the event of running into the unknown, seems that not knowing what you're headed into as far as how many other players are on a server with you, really raises the stakes, and makes the event of seeing another player that more interesting. I did a search and didn't see anything about this, I feel strongly about it, hope others do too.
  12. Sorry to double post and necro or whatever, but after talking to a couple of my DayZ buddies, I think we figured out a solution to this. Basically, if servers where listed by "popularity", players would be able to find a server that is very likely to have players in it avoiding the empty server issue, but still remain blind as to what that number may be. What is "popularity"? If servers were tracked by population over X amount of time (could be per day, per week, whatever) and then placed into percentiles by traffic. Then 90%+ percentile would fall into "Extremely Popular", where 50th percentile would be "average popularity". This way the randomness of people will still be present, just keeps the blindfold on a bit more. percentile 1. each of the 100 equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable. each of the 99 intermediate values of a random variable that divide a frequency distribution into 100 groups. "the tenth percentile for weight"
  13. I think the point has been lost. How do you play when you know the server is empty? The world is yours, you just roll around taking what you want, no worries other than zombies. How do you play when the server is full? Keep your guard up, keep an eye open, move carefully as if you're always being watched. Either way though, you KNOW and ACT accordingly. If you didn't know the server pop, every interaction with a player would be completely unexpected and you would have to play with a certain level of paranoia at all times.
  14. Running around to find people to kill i assume? This is true, however the more un-expected they are, the more fun and exciting they become. I've thought about this, but then again, its also an apocalyptic scenario, not a death match as many seem to feel it is. Joining servers based on a population number you're looking for is a meta gameplay choice that takes quite a bit of the immersion out. I will agree that completely empty servers, as well as crazy busy servers should have a marking of some sort, however I don't like knowing the odds personally. Its not a game breaker, but it does change the play in a massive way. So many people love this hardcore game, but don't want it any more hardcore than it already is. Such a shame.
  15. airfell

    Squad Play How?

    group of 3 is optimal, 4 max. If you have a larger group, divide it into sections and keep operations in separate areas to reduce risk of accidents. Move to different groups in your VIOP program and assign one person in each group with cross-com duties. Set a HQ point and a couple other rendezvous points for emergency. I've had the most fun running with a 3 man squad personally. My clan has about 12 people that played DayZ at the hight of it, and its too much of a mess with that many people.
  16. airfell

    Standalone,Epoch, and Overwatch.

    dayz is a pvp fest because the general public lacks imagination. any sort of trade area or "save zone" as another post put it should be based on how safe the players make it, and how much other players can trust them, which is a feature currently available in the mod.
  17. Will there be something to regulate the number of players per server? Being able to see how many are on a server can dictate a persons playstyle, however not being able to raises immersion due to lack of intel on how many people are about.
  18. airfell

    Day Z Videos

    Made a monologue video (more audio than video) Sorry for the harsh mids in the beginning. Too much filter.
  19. Thanks for the chase guys... its not easy bein a bandit :P Sometimes you gotta get some help from a solid steel cart, deceptively made of wood
  20. Nah, we've only got a few. Seems that most of our clan that used to play DayZ is too wrapped up in Planetside2, and waiting for the StandAlone before they play again. There does seem to be another large clan playing in this server though. This really is an interesting server though. Had some odd run-ins with people, but it honestly feels like the old days again. I have yet to die, despite close calls. Nice being on a server with good admins. Just gotta watch out for coordinated Chopper/Vodnik teams ;P
  21. airfell

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    What effect will lag/ping issues have with that?
  22. A few of my clan mates had been playing DayZ for about a month, so I finally gave in and bought Arma. Took so long to DL, but the time I got into DayZ (July~ish 2012) it was probably 1am my time. Going solo in the game for the first time, I had no clue what was going on. After a few deaths from Zeds and becoming familiar with the game systems, I ran in, got a winchester and headed north. After running up a road for possibly 15 min or so, I could see a barn in the distance with quite a bit of commotion going on and gunshots. Two guys where killing of the zombies in the area. I ran up to a stone wall and crouched down about 30m away from the action, and watched. Once they cleaned up the zombie mess they noticed me over there watching em, and started yelling "friendly" over direct chat, but I honestly had no idea how to use chat channels in the game yet. Unable to respond, I freaked out and started to run, they started to shoot. I got to another stone wall on the other side of a field and went to bandage from a hit, still under fire. I popped up, fired a few shots, and killed them both, ran up, looted the bodies, looted the barn, and gtfo. Poor guys where probably just as new as I was, judging by their aim.
  23. airfell

    Cool guys never kill. A true story.

    I'm not a bandit by any means, my typical act on finding other players is avoidance, but when you see a group of four go into a supermarket you're about to hit during night... filling the inside up with flares while you hide on the other side of a fence sure is fun to watch the chaos. Turns out they didn't all know each other, and I was the factor that started a skirmish. Good times.