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Everything posted by airfell

  1. airfell

    How careful are you?

    Since we have the godlike ability to know how many people are on a server (because in the zombie apocalypse we would have that knowledge)... my gameplay/safety level depends on server population.
  2. airfell

    Night time servers not working? Please Help

    well, that explains a lot. Was trying to get on night to take some screens w/flashlight.
  3. airfell

    Odd Occurrence 2, The Global Channel?

    Had this happen last night. Dude was yelling muffled sounding obscenities or something crazy like that. At first I ran to the nearest bush and jumped in. I tried to reply on local and got nothing. I proceeded to log out after 10 min of being horrified alone in the wilderness. THE VOICES
  4. airfell

    faking death

    I like it.
  5. airfell

    Bipods working?

    When you break an arm it still says fracture on your player menu/inv screen. And yes, morphine and splints fix it up well. Do you have a separate button set for hold breath while scoped? I set mine to L Shift. I think hold breath is set to r-click by default, meaning you'll run out of breath before taking most of your shots and possibly making it shake harder.
  6. airfell

    Is it just me or inland is really empty?

    TBH I've never seen anyone past NWAF to the north or farther west. I don't know how many circuits of the map I've made on my regular character until I got bored and started playing hardcore. My regular roams inland mostly, only going to the coast to pickup a fallen buddy or hookup with another group or whatever. I've had that charcter for at least a month.
  7. airfell

    Is it just me or inland is really empty?

    I typically spend my time off the coast, but tbh I've really only seen other players inland 4 or 5 times. Once was in the middle of a field absolutely nowhere. We were too far to talk (600-800m), but both sides (my group vs theirs) had full gear, scopes, all that jazz. It turned into a big long range shootout between rock walls, trees and hay bales. In the end nobody actually died, we flanked and they fled before we could close in.
  8. @ OP: Welcome to DayZ. Sounds like you meant to buy ARMA III for the Wasteland Mod.
  9. airfell

    Can't play dayz

    Well, I hope the kids will learn- you don't shoot unless you absolutely need to, cause you're gonna get a horde of zeds in your face when you do.
  10. airfell

    Welcome To Hell - A DayZ/ArmAII Cinematic

    Dude, that's amazing.
  11. airfell

    Dayz As it Should Be Played - Nice Hostage

    IMO thats how its done. I've cuffed and bagged a few players just to gear them up. The cuffs are for your safety, can't be too careful.
  12. airfell

    AirFell's Wallpaper Pack!

    Thankyou man, "Saloon" was actually an effect I created, but honestly don't think I could reproduce. "Gas Masks" is a personal favorite as its the first wallpaper I've made for the standalone, and my first really geared character playing with a buddy. I'll have more coming over time, but we've switched to playing on mostly hardcore only as I find it much more thrilling, however its harder to take awesomesauce screens of your character. And I'll admit I've gotten a bit burnt out on wallpapering... it takes something extra special for me to want to make one.
  13. You went back to the scene of the crime with intel that there were more... good video though!
  14. airfell

    Sawed-off Shotgun to fit in Chest Holster

    We need somethin to go with those cowboy hats. Droppin your scattercannon at your sides is a big increase to cool factor.
  15. airfell

    Bought the game yesterday

    Mouse can be fixed. Go into "my documents" and find the DayZ folder. Open the config files and set up your settings in there. Lots of guides for FPS fixes if you search the forums here. Welcome to DayZ!
  16. airfell

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    I've got to say, I always took M24 over DMR. I prefer surgery precision lead implants in my enemies.
  17. airfell

    Dayz and what it should have been.

    I see the OP's point, the masks are silly... but rotten banannas do have a purpose. What if you're starving to death and have literally nothing to eat? It may be rotten, but you could eat it to stay alive those extra few min and hope for some meds rather than dying. If you've played the mod as you say, I'm sure you know that this is an alpha, and we don't have the whole picture of what the stand alone game will be.
  18. airfell

    It has happened...

    Last night a buddy and I played for about 4 hours. We ran out of bandages at one point, I broke a leg and crawled all the way to the hospital using my pistol to fend off zombies while my buddy axe'd them. Finally found some morphine and got fixed up, but we decided a shoot on site policy for zeds until we got more bandages- can't have any accidents and bleed out. Reminds me of the good ol' days. I really don't care if the kiddies are pissed about zeds, we know they go through buildings, that will be fixed with time. Still not as hard as the mod. Trial by fire! This game is supposed to be hard.
  19. airfell

    Notes You've Found/Written

    May be giving a pro tip away here, but my buddies and I bloodbag each other when we're healthy for re-use later. I use notes to label which goes to who. That way, you don't need blood test kits. If anyone has found the notes on my body before I bet its mildly confusing.
  20. I don't know if this will help you, but I've got my key configs all crazy from how they should be. (Been using a similar setup since ARMA) WASD are all normal for me. Caps-Lock is toggle run/walk speed Shift for turbo/hold breath (during scoped view) All double-tap keys I have turned off.(cause I find that annoying) Something similar may help, not sure.
  21. airfell

    In the spirit of the crossbow...

    Could use it as a starter for a larger explosive though....
  22. airfell

    DayZ of being Dead Webcomic

    I want MOAR
  23. airfell

    Spawn weapons with didn't load outs and magazines

    Most of the people I know store their guns separate from magazines and ammo, for safety purposes.
  24. airfell

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Put up some more Wallpapers in my Walllpaper pack, found in my sig. Newest one (and my new favorite)
  25. airfell

    Dayz is working fine?

    Yeah, didn't make a difference.