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Everything posted by jinzo

  1. number one zombie killer and survivor is a hacker i know this for a fact as im banned from TAW server for calling him out onit his attitude stunk and replie was its my server ill hack it if i want just thought id point this out for those who want to get on the board LEGITIMATELY
  2. jinzo

    camp alarm system

    maybe you could implement a early warning system for when you set up a camp in a wood or town. my thought was some cans on a piece of string you tie around trees or fence posts so if a bandit, survivor or pack Z,s come walking through they sound off to alert you when your innocently cooking your raw meat :)
  3. jinzo

    camp alarm system

    lol yeah didnt see that post but was thinking of something more primative where you collect tins attach em to string and tie em up round trees and shit
  4. i simply dont join TAW servers because i caught him on his server spawning shit and telporting long story short killed him he teleported right in front of me said dont kill me on my server then killed me a heated discussion ensued i left never to return :) just thought id give those that care a heads up