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Everything posted by mars1

  1. Its up and working, good times :} We even have a a medic team working the wastelands:
  2. LOL, sorry about the police car then, i will keep an eye out for it. I logged in this AM before work to see what the server was like in the daylight and i found several cars in their overnight hiding locations while crashed heli hunting but no police issue sedans spotted. BTW, is the rocket launcher in the spawn lists or should i bury it ? hate to ambush some poor soul with it and its hacked in.
  3. mars1

    fao mars - reinvited

    Maybe you should post up the server name in the thread title and get his/her attention. I looked to see what was up but i am not an admin on any server so its not me, Good luck !
  4. Glad to see the roll back , thanks for not letting the retards ruin the server. Had fun last night looking for some guys running about in the police car but could never get the ambush laid out correctly. Good active group with lots of activity on this server , looking forward to some epic fun in the future.
  5. Hey gents, stopped by last weekend to have a look at the server, smooth and stable :} The server had a message that the host would be changing , is the data going to be lost with the change ? Didnt want to start a camp if its going to be wiped soon. Thanks again for hosting.
  6. The kameka start is now ok, store and firestation to aid the trip :} Good group of players, action and player events, good times .
  7. I have spent a few days game time on this private server doing the dayz thing and on the first day i logged in a guy asks on chat "hey i have a bus at cherno, anyone need a ride ? " I reply, sounds ledgit, as the server has server wide chat on a couple more guys chime in. This goes on for a bit and as i got a kameka start i say sure, come get me. That was saturday and it turnes out the guy is the admin who just got the server up. We part ways but over the weekend and my bus finding ability i become the server medic, scooby van, GAZ, city bus and 4 tents full of stuff later i hook a few guys up on my travels. 1 of the guys i picked up is part of an active clan flying about in helis and using the UAZs for transport and they have a semi hot war going on with the server admin and his group. There is 1 more semi group working the server along with more singles like myself and i ran into them sat at balota af, i was working the hangers and heading to the control tower after a debug plains start and login with just the guillie skin. When they drove up to the hangers and had vis on me they seemed, focused :} Hey buddy, dont run we are friendly, i am not buying it and i run between the hanger and control tower and sure enough the van hits the fence trying to run me down and blows up ! LOL As i run back to camp to fetch wheels we are talking on chat and i am giving them a hard time for trying to run down the medic and i am going to head back to camp and grab my m-24 and hunt them. It was funny watching them turn on each other on chat and all claimed it was someone else who wanted to kill my toon, lol i calmed down by the time i was back at camp and went back to active medic duty. So i log in monday night for a bit and the scooby van is gone, the GAZ is shotup and the bus is fine, they missed it . i think GGGGRRRRR, ok i told no one where the camp was and that scooby van is hard to hide in the trees, bet it was the =CDA= clan guys in the heli thinking it was one of the other groups. They missed the tents as i have them spread all over, i hatched a plan, i type on chat what i found and no one owns up to what happened but i do make this offer, i will trade a M-24 for a scooby van, first one to polana with it gets the rifle. Now .50s, and thermals are off on this server so a dmr/M-24 is top of the pile so this gets some interest ! I put the m4 in my pack and grab the m-24 and head to the meet at polana store, and wow. The CDA guys are the guys who took it because they respond with, we are on the way, 10 minuets. 6 plus guys showup with 4 vehicals with a huey flying aircover , i have never seen that many zeds at polana ! There is the bus, well beat up but working with a guy in the drivers seat. I run into town and over comms tell them to be cool, i am putting the rifle in the bus. Wayyy too many zeds so i hop into the van and go to the gear menu, yep thats my travel gear in the van, aks, blood and meds with food and a couple axs. The server is having a hard time with the action, lots of zeds and that dang chopper stirring up dust so thick its hard to see inside the store from the street outside ! I place the rifle and ammo in the van, thanks , i move to the drivers seat and move the van out of the road and head inside the store to check for a tent as the convoy drives off, very cool sight. They head to electro after that to fight it out with the admins group and i watch the chat for work as i check the factory by polana for GAZ parts. Its quite interesting in this mod, you never know how things are going to turn out :} I am sure to have some more adventures along the way and i plan to expand stocked tent coverage by kameka for poor souls who spawn there and need some gear to survive, also looking for another medic and the admins looking for a addon medic skin and possibly a red cross vehical . Always looking for more peeps, come join the fun !
  8. The server plays well and has a good group of players all through the day. I am the acting SAR and medic player on the server and not aligned with any of the factions. Look for mars in the player list and give a shout, the U.N. blue van will come save ya :}
  9. Log in last night with a new toon, last one eaten. Run to the N airfield, turn on the lights of the cargo plane and the helis to keep the zeds busy, throw flares all over and start to loot like it was xmas, i was the only guy on the server and it was overcast dark. Server comes down, then back up and its my vilayer.com toon and the password is gone. Logged in this am to see what was up and the password deal is gone, are you guys going to be connected gear and location to the vilaya hive again ? It was my hope to find a hacker limited server to run on and if your back on the grid i will keep looking for a more secure home. Server does run well, either way thanks :}
  10. This is a great playing server that is very stable, good fps even with a load of folks on. Signed up and setout to gear up and while in rasman it sounded like a regular airport with all the helo traffic :} Some yobs shot my friend in the town with the door gun and later landed and killed my toon at the south barracks while i was killing zeds, yay . So for the guys in the UH-1 , your about to get popular :} I do like this approach to the servers and the attempt to limit the script kiddies ability to ruin a great game experiance.
  11. mars1

    DayZ takistan opinion

    Blood bags are very hard to find ! Last night our group gathered after an airfield run and 1 guy was down to 5000ish blood. We picked a quiet spot and went hunting for critters, with several gathered i very carefully started a fire and we all cooked up what we killed with the wood i had gathered the day before. Wood is hard to find, matchers and a hunting knife are gold, and the fact we spent 30 minuets just doing this before we could move on tells me this map is doing it correct. The zeds are crazy and thick at loot spawns, wood and water are hard to find, and the map is a barren and hostle and will spit you out and stomp on you. No tents full of gear, no duped items, just luck and carefull gameplay and a group to work with, this is DAYZ at its core for me, and its my story :}
  12. commander worked great, installed in a couple of mins. Played about an hour tonight and had the dreaded boom off in the distance of a 107 sending death to the hangers at the N airfield. Passed on the hangers and hit the barracks and the town just S of it. Big, wide open and barren and none of the feeling that the char map has. Going to be fun for a bit, new toys, WOOT !
  13. mars1

    Are heli crashsites completely random

    They can show in any open area from the N dam to the S coast.
  14. mars1

    When was the last DayZ wipe? and How?

    Go with the server wipe and drop the tents from the game ? Dump the .50 cal snipers and the thermal guns, heck pull the sd weapons too. Then you would have roving bands of players migrating from 1 store to another with alice packs full of beans and ak mags :} I suspect a rather large and noisy shootout would follow for the rights to farm the tents at stary sobor or the NW airfield, wait a min, we did that a couple of months ago ! LOL The game needs more content to aid groups forming and building a base of operations, either for good or bad intentions but that will happen in the standalone i hope. Until thats done or the duping items / hacker wars are fixed in the current mod its up to the players to find some way to have fun with the game. I have gone full time SAR for my unit with great results so far , also raiding the crazy big camps all over the far N is quite fun when you find someone home . Have faith gents, the stand alone is going to be great !
  15. mars1

    Shoot on sight!

    It all depends on how my day has gone, Log in this weekend and our heli crew and the truck get attacked by some skidmark 13yo and the nights activity is now recovering the team from coast spawns and getting geared back up. While grabing a friend at solonitchny on the dirtbike 2 other new spawns are on the s end of that town. 1 sees the bike and i dont think he had eyes on me, wookie with a 248, and hes comes running full speed 200 meters away with zeds in tow. I dust the zed train and i hope he gets the idea that the bike thing is not going to happen, he does and dives down prone in the field. Now the other guy hears the shots and does the same thing, zeds all down he decided not to hold at some distance and make contact, just full speed run in. My squadie has no weapon and has not grabbed the m4 from my pack. bang hes down, sorry bro. Next day geared up our team takes the scoobyvan down to kameka to load up the starter tents on the shore there for us and any fresh spawns to grab some gear and i see a chick running N after a cow. On direct comms i am telling her/him to wait up, we can help and finaly get the player to stop. The player did not have a MIC, you need one gents, but with vehical text chat we get the player back to the starter tents, hand him a m4 halo with 3 mags, and send him along with general instructions. Short version, dont be a threat and make contact on voice down on the coast, maybe it goes ok for you. Anything N of the stary sober polana line dont bother trying to chat if you have a wookie outfit and a m4 cco sd :}
  16. mars1

    huge base at NWAF

    Got to love the scriped in goodies, us 204 on the island :
  17. Glad you survived, the version of this i got was a script kiddie dropping a UAZ on us with "whats going on" by the 4 non blonds blaring over local comms. Not sure what to do he looks over at me and starts the truck to i can only guess run us down, we logged.
  18. Its been covered, no worries we just have learned to avoid 3rd person servers . cheers
  19. Nice shooting. I do avoid 3rd person servers for just the reason you showed in that vid. The ability to look over the hill on the move, sigh. 104 has had some strange events for me as well. Players seemed to have the ability to find other players even in cover while on the move in vehicals, maybe they always have a l-85 guy looking out the windows :}
  20. For the 2 that got wasted at camp i will drop by and add to your collection for your restart attempt if you pm me the server. I and my group have tents on multiple servers that are full, would be glad to help. And for placing a camp, find an off the grid location that has no items of interest on the DayZ-DB maps ! LOL Just place 1 tent and get it up under a tree and use it to resupply, dont hang around it or start a fire near it. Think like the desert nomads and your camp is where you are, not at a place on the map. cheers
  21. In use F11 , you need to hit backspace to access the mouse wheel functions after that.
  22. mars1

    Girls first time

    Yes the interface was the hardest thing for me to get used to. Double taps on shift and alt plus the gear and pack mess took some time to work out, hard to do when the zeds come knocking ! With you lot on aussie-time and servers its not likley will will run into each other but if i hear you on voice comms i will give the chance to surrender and give up your beans :} Have fun out there and remember , dont get attached to your stuff, lifes short and sweet in the char.
  23. mars1

    Girls first time

    I have to say to hear a females voice and avatar in a town would make me hesitate to shoot, thats an interesting twist to a survival game ! I found myself hoping she was going to make it through that shootout with the akm dude and cheered to see the end result on the overlook hill, what now indeed . So co-op groups operating out there, would you treat a female player different as a team member than another male player ? Would you change your mind based on making voice comm contact with a female gammer ?
  24. mars1

    good tent locations?

    Lakes are a bad idea, found 20 or so next to the twin small lakes while going for water, lol bet they didnt last long. All of the taller peaks have them. . I have found a surprising amount tucked in the towns with no stores up N on the map, guess they are letting the zeds guard them . I never take more than i can carry and i dont blow them up , but i do like the free stuff :}