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About mars1

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. mars1

    So how many NVGS...

    If you count going back to the linked hive cluster days NVGs were on the heli crashes 5% of the time but you could always find them at the server hoppers camps :} I found several sets on helis while playing on quiet servers early weekend am times when servers would reset and very limited player counts. Last version of vanilla I played you still logged in with a mack so no clue on todays builds.
  2. This mod got me back into dayz :} With the base building and trade centers you guys have set the bar high for mods and it looks like more goodness on the way, thanks !
  3. mars1

    Epoch help

    Its depends on the scripts going on that server. I have a setup on a no script epoch and it is: Farm/gas-station type tank + gen + player installed fuel pump start the gen and place toon in front of pump with vehicle to be filled behind toon, then scroll. You should be able to get station pump going but you may need a plot pole to make it happen. You can also use a fuel truck for the supply. In the pic the mv22 can be filled as it sits and the empty spot behind fuel truck and in front of the mi-17 is a fuel station as well.
  4. mars1

    Huge Epoch Base - Devils Castle.

    LOL ! Very nice work there folks, its a bit like a creative level minecraft fort ............... you guys figure out how to dupe const materials ?
  5. Logged in last night to check it out, played very smooth even in the big towns, looking forward to seeing what people can build without the threat of suicide bombers hitting their bases :}
  6. mars1

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    Its a fun server and for all the addons it plays smooth. Even give people chopper rides to scary locations :}
  7. mars1

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    Its sad the arty mission got scrubbed , that would have been epic. Had a 50 covering the N exit from the area for fleeing autos and got the call the bandit was down. The recovery team took some sniper fire at the scene and liberal amounts of .50 cal fire went downrange but the second guy vanished. Maybe some gooogle helper still lingers on the server ? Cant have bandits popping bambies on the beach, RIP G-man
  8. I think its great rocket sees the larger issue here and is not blinded by , its what I think so it must be right ! 3rd person is going to stay around because that's what people like to play on, see the list of 1st person only vs 3rd person servers and the popularity of them and try to remember its a business gents. Just like the mod the standalone release is going to grow and change from the tightly controlled main hive data gathering alpha to a working beta, then I hope gold version. Tons of changes to be made along the way with features and someone with some business sense is not going to hack off 80 % of the players because the 20 % don't like johnnybandit not playing the way they want them too. At some point the standalone will have many servers up and I expect different options will be enabled, rookie, vet, and full on macho settings for the hardcore 20 % .
  9. So is a mod of the mod a success because it plays well and interests a player no matter the player population, or is success determined by filling the server ? The private hives saved the dayz mod ? I think so as the main connected hive presented its own challenges with the barracks hopping, combat ghosting no tent saving quirks taking 2nd to the hacking concerns. Now there are simply too many versions and options for the hackers to possibly keep up :} The mod that got me back into dayz after months off was epochs crafting and in game base building , and I suspect the arma sales that seem to stay in the steam top 10 are being driven by both the mods and the 2 mod installers that make them easy to install. If you think finding a vanilla dayz server is tough try looking for an arma2 server. I welcome all the ideas people keep coming up with and I thank the gaming gods for the diversity that keeps dayz alive.
  10. mars1

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    The server plays well and the new stuff to check out just keeps on coming ! Ai is a balance and can be quite surprising as the hero units will take any car with 4 wheels, LOL LOCK THEM ! raided the bean hoard on lost island :
  11. mars1

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    congrats silva ! you know a player who has traveled the map using the hills and forrests as landmarks when he can come up with that ! For the other 2 whiners, best regards mars
  12. mars1

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    OK try this one :
  13. Wandered about this A.M. looking for a clear answer and found none. With the stand alone we we still be able to host a private server not connected to the main hive ? The barracks spawning, ghosting, server hopping mess that was the offical hives are but a memory for many, is its return due with the standalone ? I ask because the minecraft model that seems to be a great hit for millions lets this go on, or will the standalone attempt to tie millions of players to a central database, and do you have room rented out on some NSA server to handle it ? cheers