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Everything posted by slonlo

  1. I'd probably be ok with a way to see your blood level, but as of the standalone this (reportedly) won't matter with the new health system. I don't think humanity will last long in it's current form either, as there are many, much better ideas to achieve the same goal. Seeing your kills is an absolute advantage, and alters the gameplay in a negative way. If you fire at someone from from a distance, and they hide in a bush. You fire into the bush, then the magical kill count clicks up by one, you're free to skip down and loot his stuff. But with no kill count you'll never know whether you actually killed him or not without going to confirm the kill yourself. He may be dead, he may have run away, or he may be waiting to ambush you. If you want to keep score, pull out a pad and pencil and put a hash mark when you find the body. You DEFINITELY shouldn't know how many zombies there are on the server. That is a clear advantage, especially in the game's current form, as it gives you an idea where players are. Once the zombies are independent of players then this won't matter anyway. So the idea isn't to take away the debug meter to make the game harder for you, but more so that it will soon be irrelevant. Think how many folks would have said, "A game where you have to eat, drink, and can even break your leg? No one will EVER play that, it's too realistic." That's why there hasn't been a game like this until now, and precisely why there is such a large "cult" following. Just sit back and watch what happens, and I bet you'll come to like it. EDIT: But let me add, feel free to post your opinions though. But be ready to accept that there might be a very good reason for the change and you might not like it. This goes for both sides. AND remember, the game isn't finished. If some change has a negative effect on the game then it can be always be changed. Just remember that a change based solely on public opinion that moves away from "authenticity" isn't likely to get much traction with Rocket.
  2. slonlo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm with ya. It'll be out when it's out. I'd definitely like to see it sooner, but what's another month? I'm on board either way! I don't care how long it takes.
  3. slonlo

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Consider me trolled :-D That whole "clip/magazine" thing is a huge pet peeve of mine. But yes you can single feed an M24/M40 (Remington 700). I had to do that at a tactical precision match once, before I got my detachable mag bottom metal for my stock. It was a PAIN IN THE ASS. If you're good (I'm not) it can be done quickly, but not nearly as easy or quick as loading up a 5 or 10 round mag, slapping it in, and manipulating the bolt. Gave me a lot of respect for Army snipers, as the original M24's had no detachable magazine, so they had no choice but to top load it. (You can load 4 into the internal magazine but you do it through the top... not fast at all).
  4. slonlo

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I'm not sure how (or why) you are single feeding the M24 in DayZ, but that still doesn't make a magazine a "clip." A box with ammunition in it isn't a "clip." Just like my car isn't a closet if I have clothes in the back seat. You can call it whatever you want but it isn't the correct term and you look ignorant in front of anyone who knows anything about guns. Some people just let it slide, since the misuse of the term is so ubiquitous, some will recognize your inexperience and wish to educate you, and others will cease to talk to you. Someone was kind enough to point out your mistake, but you if you want to be obstinate have at it. This is a clip. The name is derived from the fact that the cartridges are "clipped" together. This ought to help you out. http://www.minutemanreview.com/2008/09/clip-vs-magazine-lesson-in-firearm.html
  5. slonlo

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    That's exactly the point. Having your stuff reappear after someone else takes it is duping. If you don't want someone to steal it, carry it in your backpack or hide your tent REALLY well.
  6. I like that idea! You can also use that strategically. Kill someone, put your map with a "camp" marked on his body... and wait. Even better with booby traps.
  7. How long did that little event last,Penny? I read that the system that updates it can have up to a 2 second delay.
  8. slonlo

    Sniping range calculations

    Get a mil-dot calculator (if you have a smart phone) and go ahead and punch in 1.8m and keep it at the ready. You can even expand on Bludy's idea and draw up a range card with landmarks. That's if you REALLY want to get serious though. The best idea, really, is to estimate the best you can and then fire a "sighter" and correct for the follow up. Especially with a semi-auto, you have plenty of time. I say this because you can't correct for range well enough to be all that precise. You're limited to 100 m increments, and chances are your target isn't gonna be a multiple of 100 m away. We need actual MIL adjustments!!
  9. slonlo

    Why does my character....

    That's two words. Or really one word and one number. Obviously, I have much to contribute to this conversation.
  10. slonlo

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Actually I'd think a skilled pilot would TRY to bring it down in a field to maximize the chances of surviving the accident. But I like the idea of different choppers with different supplies. Not so big on the cockpit voice recorder, because you wouldn't have a way to play it.
  11. slonlo

    Bullet Proof West

    I agree 100%. I don't want it in the game, but I'm not going to say it's a bad idea. It should be very well thought out, though. In that "authentic but not necessarily realistic" way, whatever that may be.
  12. slonlo

    More vehicles!

    Maybe in the future make the repairing of cars more difficult. Not just "add engine parts" to fix the engine. Hell I wish I could access that menu on MY car. I'd save a lot of time diagnosing and no more bloody knuckles. Maybe the battery is dead, nothing turns on, so you scavenge one from another car. Car will turn over, but doesn't fire. You pull a plug, they smell like fuel, you use a screwdriver to test for spark there's none. Find distributor, and now it works! Fuel leak? Cut some hose from another car to replace the damaged section. Just more like that, so you can have more drivable cars, but very few ready to roll. There should be little fuel (maybe you can siphon it out of other cars), but you need a garden hose. Also you need tools to fix the engine. I know that'd be difficult to implement but sounds cool for a long term goal, no?
  13. slonlo

    Bullet Proof West

    That's not really true. AR500 plate armor that can be worn in a plate carrier will stop .338LM at range, and .308 easily even at closer ranges. I know this because the long distance ranges I go to have AR500 silhouettes as close as 200 yards. This is using HPBT ammunition or ball. Now obviously armor piercing rounds do just that, but if you find an M24, with some M118LR (7.62x51 with a 175gr Sierra Matchking HPBT), it's gonna be stopped by some AR500 plate. I get your point though, it's no fun running through the woods with AR500 on your chest and back, in addition to all your gear. I don't want it in the game.
  14. slonlo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Of course it does... this is the internetz. Though the irony is hilarious.
  15. I'll give this to you... but I think it should be realistic. Not the "spotlight on a hill" (regardless of lighting conditions) like in BF3, but if you are facing toward the sun, you should get some glint. At a precision rifle course I took, in the afternoon on the 300 yard range, we set our rifles down and walked down to check our targets. On the way back (sun at our backs) it looked like landing lights on an airstrip with all the scopes catching the sunlight. But BF3 takes it WAY too far. There could be kill-flash devices if you like, but again I'd like to see the reflections first just for realism. FTR, anti-reflective coatings just increase the clarity of the glass by reducing internal reflections. That does little for the external reflections.
  16. slonlo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    WarZ... from the brilliant mind that brought you this: <3 Sergey Titov
  17. Amen brother!! So many ideas that are in this game have come up with my friends many times over the years, ALWAYS followed by, "but no one will ever make a game like that... it's too realistic, no one will play it... no video game company would take a risk like that." All it took was one kid who grew up thinking that to do it himself. That's why I have so much faith in the project and in Rocket and so little in the copy cats. If he sticks to the core idea I don't care if it's a hit (it will be though) it will be the game I've always wanted. The copy cats aren't driven by that childish desire to see a dream realized... they're in it to please people, and sell copies. They'll have compromises, and I don't want that. But they'll appeal to others and that's great, but not me.
  18. The strikes are getting worse, so I'd assume no.
  19. slonlo

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    AHHHHHHHH!!! Just had to get that out. I'm better now.
  20. Agreed... He has many good ideas, but I also don't like the " underbrush disappearing after 100 meters" one. Any "balancing" needs to be realistic, or at least authentic. Add environmental factors, wind, temperature, etc. I love the bird idea to give away position. MAYBE even reflection from scopes, but not in the BF3 spotlight-on-a-hill way. In a realistic, pay attention to the position of the sun type way.
  21. http://www.lidovky.c...n_zahranici_ape There ya go, sport.
  22. I just think they need to be less accurate. We're talking about rifles that with the best ammo on the best day in the best shooters hands will be 1.5 MOA. So realistically give them accuracy of 2 or even 2.25 MOA for "authenticity's" sake. So if you're shooting from 500 meters aiming there will be an 12 inch circle it will hit. A 500m shot would need to be a dead center hold on the chest to guarantee a hit. Factor in environmentals to make it even more difficult. In this case hitting a moving soft target would be near impossible, but hitting a truck, even moving, would be quite possible, if not easy. Also these weapons have massive overpressure. The recoil isn't really all that bad given the large clamshell brakes, but overpressure is nuts, as well as the report. This should come into play. I like the combat deafness like in ACE. Without ear protection you would at LEAST be temporarily deafened. While I don't think you should have ruptured ear drums on this game, I think a little deafness followed by ringing for a few minutes after using one of these with no ear-pro would also make sense (but add ear-plugs as an item). It IS adding balance, but in an authentic way. There are real-world drawbacks to using a .50 BMG rifle and those should translate into the game.
  23. slonlo

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    I got lost in the north woods, in the dark, with no compass or map and had to find Polaris to navigate back to "civilization." I LOVED that.