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Posts posted by Darkstorm

  1. I'm glad you think you're some superior muffin to the rest of us. Keep pretending if it makes your forever-alone existence that little bit more bearable.

    Oh! Oh! Can we play a game called the irony complex? 'Cause I see someone trying to play the voice of the voiceless card against server admins. See the type of people that play this card generally ignore the work these people put in. Example would be these people pay out money out of their own pocket to help a developing mod and player base. Which that seems to get lost in your inane self righteous cause.

    Admins should have no more rights than their players' date=' simple as that. The reason you're able to kick and ban is a privilege and one that should be taken away from people like you who think it's alright to do whatever you want with someone else's software and gametime.


    I abhor this logic because it makes no sense whatsoever if you have any idea what helps a community sustain long term. If you look back in any community, civilization, and any functioning business there will always need to be some form of group that has a right to enforce rules and maintain civility. I mean if no one does then you will have a bunch of morons that like to break rules, exploit, harrass people. Admins provide a form to inhibit this type of behavior and provide a civil area to game. If you don't like those rules you are free to practice your game play in other servers that are less strict. Quite frankly as long as the server fall within the developers terms of service I do not see why admins cannot formulate their own acceptable behavior.

    The fact that you can afford a server in the first place tells me you're an adult. Perhaps it's time you got off your teenage power trip and did a reality check. You aren't anymore important as anyone else on the forums.

    Player Power! YES! YES! YES! Wait Wait...I have to pay money for a server so in that case should I have rights? Clearly you are either an young adult who has no idea what it likes to be in position to supervise people or you are an teenager who has no clue. I digress though because an person who puts out money for their own server shouldn't have the rights to form their own rules as long as they are within guidelines. Dang..I wish I could be in your world 'cause I am sure it is civil.
