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About Johnggernaut

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Johnggernaut

    pissed off admin

    I gave you beans to make you wrong :P
  2. Johnggernaut

    pissed off admin

    It's an exploit, Taltsi. Exploits are part of the game right now, and you're simply telling people that you are as low as those that do similar things. Congrats.
  3. Johnggernaut

    You killed me.

    You might find empathy on the Day Z forums, but less likely in the Bandit Campfire.
  4. Well, you have a different perspective than I do, for sure. I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree due to the different perspectives we have.
  5. See, now it seems you miss the point. You're right, killing here doesn't get you a high score or a 'win' per se. But the aspect of 'some guy' just picking people off is an aspect of this game. you want to justify why it's a bad thing. Rocket hasn't spoken against bandits who kill either to steal someone's items or just for sport. Maybe, if you want to try to put perspective as to why someone in a post apocalyptic world filled with zombies is picking people off, there are plenty of ways to soothe your mind. Maybe the shooter is trying to put people out of their misery. Maybe he escaped a psych ward. Maybe he was a serial killer who isn't quite done just because a fair amount of hte population (see: most) are walking around half dead. My point? STFU and play the game. Bandits are permitted and encouraged and if you can't handle it, go find a single player. I don't wanna be that guy who tells people to go play COD... How about Pokemon? Not much danger of other players shooting you in the head there. Aside from the insults we are sending back and forth and in all honesty, you say this kind of action could make the devs turn it into a dumbed down shooter? I counter your comment with not wanting this game turned into a care bear world. Because a world filled with zombies has no room for care bears or bleeding hearts. That is, unless it's a bite or gunshot wound to the heart. In that case, there's more than enough room. I like ot think the zombies in Day Z eat as many hearts as brains.
  6. Actually, it seems more like you're the one that wants a co-op game like L4D. His point was playing against intelligence is a challenge. Intelligence being players over NPCs. Simple concept.
  7. Then the real challenge will be gone. I hope no one thinks the zombies are a challenge...
  8. "Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive." -Keywords being choose your path "wink wink, nudge nudge". The word survival could be interpreted many ways as well, if you want to focus on it. "Kill everyone before they kill me!" "FIND BEANS!"
  9. If you say survival is the objective, then you are limiting yourself to that. If you say killing players is your objective, then you are limiting yourself. If you choose to do whatever you want whenever you want, well, not so limited. Point is, you see the objective as Survival. So that is what it is to you. If someone gets in the game and decides he wants to run through towns to see how many zombies he can collect, is he wrong? No. That is the objective he set for himself. Sad to see such closed minds. Also, when the game starts, it doesn't have big words that pop up saying "SURVIVE!" You might have had a point if it did.
  10. Still haven't tried out the bandit deal due to moving, but honestly, I don't think much will change. You can't trust anyone, not even one without a bandit skin. For all you know, he could be reporting locations or leading you to a trap. All the bandit skin really does, is confirm a bandit, but any bandit willing to let you see him first deserves to get shot.
  11. I've never killed another player, save a friend of mine when we were messing around. I simply support the bandits and look forward to trying it out. You can speculate, but you can't truly say what would happen to someone's mind in a scenario such as an apocalypse. The mod is a social experiment and I know this. Experiments can have many kinds of results. You say 98% of the population are zombies, that's fine. But there are certainly many of us still alive. There are a buttload of people that play this mod. And your reaction is part of the experiment. In a zombie apocalypse I think you'd be the guy running around asking why we can't all get along. Someone would probably shoot you in the head to put you out of your (or their) misery.
  12. I lol'd. While I don't own COD, I did at one time and enjoyed it for a bit. It's a game. Your reaction is a bit more indicative of a 12 year old than mine. GG though. I'd explain my point further, but the OP stated he doesn't think his idea was that great, so I'll just let this thread die. lol
  13. When you lump everyone (indicated by 'you all') into one category you make yourself look incompetent. Not saying you are, but you are coming off that way.
  14. I changed the font of the words I made large to COMIC SANS because, well, you're funny. The bandit mechanic is something Rocket has said many times he's guarding (paraphrasing). He doesn't want ot change it up too much because it's an important part of the game. What is wrong with you people?!?!?! :P