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Danthepianist (DayZ)

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About Danthepianist (DayZ)

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    Ottawa, Ontario
  1. I just came back after quitting for a while, was having a decent time then got thunderdomed. Some thirteen year old laughing his mid-pubescent ass off through the mic his mom bought him while people frantically disconnect, spray bullets, or scream at people to stop spraying bullets while themselves spraying bullets. As for KOS, every unarmed person I point a gun at is "friendly." Imagine that. While I have seen armed strangers taking pity on gunless me, I've yet to not have to defend myself when I was armed. Basically people fear guns and fear death and will use both without hesitation when afraid. I think I'll try to find a decent group of people to play with.
  2. Danthepianist (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    That's a cute idea. Rocket seems like an alright guy. It's his ass-kissing fan club I can't stand. "I love this game but _____ kinda sucks" "lol go play warz then if u dont liek it simulaters arnt sposed to be fun ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA " *OH GOD I HOPE HE READS THIS AND THINKS I'M KEWL* It's like watching science (let's discuss ideas for progress!) fight religion (word of rocket is law, excommunicate the heathens!)
  3. Danthepianist (DayZ)

    Fix for Graphics Glitches in

    It's hard to do anything but fearlog when you're in an airfield with gunshots ringing out from who-knows-where and a 180 degree arc of your vision looks like your screen getting shattered from the inside. Want...
  4. Danthepianist (DayZ)

    Rocket Defence Force and Anti-Rocket Alliance ASSEMBLE

    The fact that one cannot criticize the mod or offer a suggestion without it being taken as a direct attack at Rocket's manhood makes me sad. I certainly am not anti-rocket because this mod rocks, but the RDF disgusts me. That said, these propaganda posters are pretty funny :)
  5. Danthepianist (DayZ)

    EVE concepts in DayZ (solution to horizontal load balancing)

    In theory it more or less makes sense. However, would all of these islands be unique? Chernarus was already made, unless what you had in mind was hundreds of Chernaruses separated by water (and I won't get into the weird geographic implications that would have), you're talking about having rocket add 10000% more content. And I assume you mean for there to be a way to spawn with your friends, at least on the same island. The Karma police point you make is baffling. You're talking about a single server with almost a million different people, and we can assume far more since you're talking about the distant future of this mod, and then about "accumulating knowledge" about these people. I like the idea of being able to set up in a building, but I question whether we actually need to see more buildings wrapped in razor wire than there already are.
  6. Danthepianist (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Some of the rocket fanboys really need to settle down a bit. I love DayZ as much as the next guy and I think rocket is a good guy with good ideas HOWEVER there really isn't a need to tell every single person with a differing opinion to stfu/gtfo. I don't know if you think you're winning his favor with this crap but you come off as clingy and ignorant. EDIT And as I wrote this Rocket wrote a longer post that includes (roughly) this point.
  7. Danthepianist (DayZ)

    The reason why we need Hackers

  8. Danthepianist (DayZ)

    Buddy Spawn System

    Eh, sure, but it's not like people don't just kill themselves until they both spawn somewhere decent and close to each other. Finding a friend after dying together is not currently engaging or realistic. That being said, I'm sure we would all prefer improved zombie scripting and game stability over such luxuries as this. This doesn't really feel like a solution to anything. It's not going to force anyone to use a spawn in Solnichniy if they want to meet their friend in Cherno. They'll just spend two minutes not playing or enjoying the game then try again.
  9. Danthepianist (DayZ)

    Blood loss and its effect on the screen.

    Yep. I remember complaining about this while I was playing with a buddy last night, I got hit by a zombie at full health and at ~11600 blood, 97%, it felt like half the color had gone out of my screen. We were giving each other largely unnecessary transfusions just to chase away the blands.