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About bosjem

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. bosjem

    too many 50 cal snipers

    The number of .50 cal in game is definitly too high but the problem is not that they spawn too often (in 3+ months of game i've found 1 as50 and 3 m107 at heli crash site/barracks for the m107). I think that the majority of those .50 cal (especially as50) comes from duping/scripting.
  2. bosjem

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    The m14 is one of my favourite gun in the game too. Just a quick lucky story from a couple of days ago on Lingor. I died and spawned right next to a downed chopper. Only thing left there is an M14 with 3 mags :) . I run a bit to get to the NW airfield and I start hearing AK fire. I manage to go up the hill overlooking the airfield a bit then i see a 3 man group running from the distance towards the barracks. One of them go in the barracks, the other 2 go in the school/offices right next to it. After a while they all go out and start running towards the control tower across the airfield. I open fire and kill 2 of them (range was about 350-400 metres). The other one manage to get to the control tower, he stay there for a while the go to the top floor. I fire a couple of shots at him but miss.. then he alt+f4 <_< . I waited a bit then went to loot those 2 bodies (at that point i really needed everything). I walked away with a coyote backpack, an m24, m9sd, all the tools exept rangefinder, food and water :P
  3. What you have to do in those situation is to log in a server with an older arma2 beta patch. Doing that should move you to one of the normal spawn points on the beach with your gear.
  4. bosjem

    A picture i took when i went to the porlock weir

    Not a single grafical glitch, i call it fake :P
  5. Slavegirllucy has your server a really private hive (one server=one hive) or does it use one of the 2 public lingor hives (vilayer and dayzlingor.tk)? Just to understand better your strange point of you. Ok, your server your rules... but you are using a game created by someone else that has set a certain number of weapon that can spawn. So, your server your rules it's valid untill you follow the game producer's rules otherwise everything could be possible ( for example free scripting servers connected to a public hive).
  6. I think it's far more enjoyable by a broader audience the kind of stuff you have in the first part of the video (which is indeed nice). The closing part... it can make laugh some people ... but I don't see why and how (i might be a too serious person lol ;) )
  7. This To the OP: you say that you want to prevent the spread of any more weapons and yet you kept the gun for yourself. Assuming that you used the gun to destroy the weapon crates, why didn't you drop it on the ground before restarting the server? Or kill a zed, put the gun on the body and hide it? I call your last reply bu***s**t.
  8. Good shooting. I don't find the last part funny/interesting but the first part of the video is really good.
  9. bosjem

    Murder Montage :D 64 Murders

    Elektro, sniper hill, name tags, killing unarmed/uncaring fresh spawns, l85 aws, poor shooting, wasting so much ammo that duping must become a necessity for you... you must be good at Dayz. And at the end of the video, karma is a b**ch (and i guessed that keyboard noise was a failed attempt of alt+f4). Again... you must be good at Dayz.
  10. bosjem

    has the as50 tws been added back in?

    Screenshot or it didn't happen
  11. bosjem

    LF AS50 TWS

    Tipical answer from an average script kid/cheater/exploiter. I hope in a future where when a player is banned from a game for scripting/exploiting the mommy credit card is banned too from buying any other game available. AS50 TWS was in the game, it's not part of the game any more . Alf+f4 to avoid death (like duping and server hopping/ghosting) is just an exploit of game mechanics.
  12. bosjem

    What's your DayZ goal?

    I've done the same a while back. Kill all the server hoppers! :bandit:
  13. It's wasn't the server itself. It was just a script kid "having fun".
  14. bosjem

    CZ550 vs M24

    You need mildots to calculate the range of the target in order to zero your scope...
  15. bosjem

    CZ550 vs M24

    My first kill in Dayz was made with a CZ550, so i'll always adore that gun. That said, the M24 is better in every aspect i think (having mildots is enough to make the M24 better than the CZ considering that i always play on veteran servers and rangefinders are not so easy to find).