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Everything posted by distx

  1. distx

    What was your motive to come to DayZ?

    "Realistic zombie-simulator" was what I heard. Nontheless I'm happy with the game.
  2. Takes forever? What are you on, dial-up 56kbit?
  3. Well I think mine is quite obvious.
  4. Why not just use Dayzdb.com? OR did you refer to an in-game map thingy?
  5. distx

    I can't play Dayz

    Wrong. You spent the money on ARMA II, the mod is free, but requires the ARMA II game, nothing else. Besides, ARMA II is a great game and has more than just the DayZ mod.
  6. It depends, you can read more here: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Humanity
  7. We will only need the base of an AK when we are able to attach attachments. But some may spawn with attachments already on, I think that'd be great.
  8. distx

    DayZ Basics

    Great and informative video. Next: A few advanced stuff?
  9. distx

    Boost FPS

    Borrowing this thread for just a sec. My setup is an AMD Phenom II x4 960t (At 3,2 GHz I think) w/ AMD Radeon HD 6870 (Availability to unlock the CPU's 2 remaining cores to make it a Hexacore, might aswell overclock it, but I have no experience what so ever in OC'ing, so a guide may help) I normally get around 25-40 FPS while in a server with around 30-40 ppl. Is this normal for this setup? What can I do to improve the performance? Incase you need more specifications; 8 GB RAM, HD's at 7200 RPM, Internet speed 100/10.
  10. distx

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Cadet Distiction reporting for duty!
  11. distx

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    It seems I've missed something, why were they removed?
  12. distx

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Looking forward to it megustaface.png
  13. I feel new stuff in my backpack.
  14. Please stay. We need more of you.
  15. Am I the only one who knows what you just referred to?
  16. What is the team really CURRENTLY working on? If anyone know, specifically.
  17. Post editted to show what I really meant. Excuse me for that one.
  18. Edit: Never mind. Flying got to get harder, which the implement of TOH gives. I've said 'nuff about my opinions. I want to hear yours.
  19. Haha I could imagine! I wouldn't do any better =/. Either way, I'd also like to see more features to this! Although, I do like TOH's current concept, it ain't too hard to learn either, which makes it maybe too easy... I want more news about this! (I strongly advice fellow survivors to actually test the TOH-demo) But as it is right now, anyone can fly them. (Which is far too easy) And DayZ won't (hopefully) be an FPS where everyone shoots everything on sight, but actually tries to live into the game, it's a zombieapocalypse-simulator after all.
  20. Alright.. let's leave this Marketplace / Microtransaction-Discussion. What are your thought on "Take On Helicopters" being implemented? As I said before, I absolutely love it. I just recently downloaded the demo and tried the helicopters. There's an essential startup/shutdown-sequences that I just think adds both realism and great fairness to the helicopters. One should not be able to just find a choppah' and fly off like if you already knew everything, yet the startup/shutdown-sequences are fairly easy to remember, give the demo a go and train yourself! I can already feel how newbies takes on the choppers and probaly damages them because they don't really know how to start one up.
  21. I did that in silence, Download the demo and begin your training, Surviors.. But really, I love it, adds both realism and fairness to the game. Not anyone should be able to hop into a chopper and just drive off. A chopper is meant to be atleast a little complicated.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWXYCE9nxCk There you go =) xd
  23. Graphics doesnt make the game, but a updated sure is appreciated.