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Everything posted by -=Morpheus=-

  1. -=Morpheus=-

    First impression: This sucks.

    Right... this not a COD run, gun, respawn & repeat game. This is a survival SIMULATION. You have to watch very carefully where you are going. You have to listen very carefully to your environment. You can die of thirst, starvation, blood loss. Freeze to death, or heat exhaustion. Not to mention the zombies and other players trying to do the same thing you are (and very often someone you meet will shoot you for your stuff). You can use a hatchet as a weapon. Once you remove it from your belt (right click) you then have to load it like a regular weapon using your mouse wheel. The you can swing it as a weapon (left click fire button). As a matter of fact, the Hatchet is the weapon of choice against zombies. Zombies are attracted to sounds (long range) (their vision is very short range) so if you go popping off firearms you get every zombie within a mile or so running to your location. If you are in a big city get ready for 50+ to one combat against zombies.
  2. -=Morpheus=-

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    Tents are tagged to the owner. The person who initially set up the tent. (from what I understand) If that person dies the tent can be looted. But it is no longer tagged to any player and will disappear after an amount of time. A week i think.
  3. -=Morpheus=-

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    A person being allowed to run a server has to remember, this mod is in alpha. That means that the dev is allowing server to have a wide base of playtesters. This is not a completed and on the market item. If you want to pay money out to be a part of this playtesting that is fine. But, it is a privilege. Especially if the actions of the server host is treating people in a manner that will kill and give a bad reputation to this project before it even has time to get to beta. I would agree with Rocket. He has every right for HIS intellectual property to apply any rules he likes. The purpose of these servers is a development aid for him. The fact that we can take part in the fun and thrill IS a privilege.
  4. -=Morpheus=-

    Idea to help friendly players stay friendly

    I will agree with you, but only if it was a totally optional thing (that i wouldn't use). I am just a black and white person. If it doesn't enhance or support the direction, mood and atmosphere of the game than it is not useful. The game is great because of the unknown and the uncertainty of every second of play. As far as the acronyms... I am just a veteran of 70's & 80's table top strategy games such as companies like Avalon Hill and SPI. Those acronyms spill over from that era of my gaming and is just something habitual in my typing. And maybe some others that have not heard them before may find them useful.
  5. -=Morpheus=-

    Barren Wasteland.

    Have you considered that it is NIGHT TIME in the server? The way Day Z servers work is they are real time to where the server is actually located. If it is night time (in real life) and you log into a local server it is going to be night time in the game. If you only play the game at night and you want it to be day time you need to log into a server where it is actually day time in real life. Don't worry, Day Z uses PERSISTENT SERVERS. So, no matter what server you log into you are where you were in the last server you were in with all the same stuff you had before. As long as you didn't die.
  6. -=Morpheus=-

    Idea to help friendly players stay friendly

    Nice quote from The Grey. Although the way you worded it applies here, it is actually (and) not (or). It is about a warrior knowing he is going into his last battle to death. But in that moment he feels alive. Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day. But, to the point of the game. I always (after having been murdered by bandits a few dozen times) assume everyone is a bandit. And in that stance always proceed with utmost caution and minimum trust. It is what is required to stay alive. Like Vertisce was saying... you can feel out the individual situation and take a chance and maybe get a traveling partner. But, even then... said partner could travel with you long enough to scavenge goods and arms and then shoot you in the back and take it all and go. It is better to bring friends you know and trust and not trust strangers. What Vertisce was telling about is the exception, not the rule.
  7. -=Morpheus=-

    Idea to help friendly players stay friendly

    Exactly Vertisce, the fact that you didn't know if you could ultimately trust him or not is completely un-nerving. But you took THE CHANCE, and in THIS case you got lucky and have a partner. When you have to defend your belongings, strength in numbers is always better. That's why i usually play the game with two close friends. And we still all get killed by bandits. They had bigger numbers. And, we did not threaten them. They just attacked us. By far, PC's are much more dangerous than the zombies (NPC's). I like the game the way it is also. Bug fixes are great. But, screwing with the nature of anarchy and chaos of the game to make a couple of people feel better would have me move onto another game. Because this one would be ruined by the whiners. Boo hoo... i keep getting bandit killed. Learn from your mistakes, and learn how to avoid getting caught with your pants down and survive. You cannot be careless. Even then... you will still get killed. But hopefully it will be much less as you learn from your mistakes.
  8. -=Morpheus=-

    Idea to help friendly players stay friendly

    You keep mentioning rules. Again, in a zombie apocalypse, you have no rules any longer. This is an ANARCHY (by definition: no government in existence) environment. It now comes down to a few things. Your own personal values and morale character. Your will to survive. What you have to do to survive. Do I trust someone, do I not trust someone. Because, if you do trust someone you could vary well be starting the game over again from scratch. By nature in an anarchy situation you can only hang on to your belongings (including your life) by defending them with force. I am not saying that you have to shoot everyone you see. but, you have to become VERY CAREFUL of who you allow into you zone of control (ZOC). I accept this. EVERY TIME i have encountered another PC (player character) in the game they just shot without question and killed me and my party. But, each and every time you have to start the game over again, you adjust your standard operating procedure (SOP). You have to become more and more careful, even less trusting of people you meet, and ALWAYS be on your guard. Because the possibility of someone being a bandit is ALWAYS there. EVERYONE is trying to survive. EVERYONE attempts this in their own manner. You cannot dictate that. Anarchy and chaos is the order of the day. Every moment in this environment is a heart pounding experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat gripping your mouse and keyboard. That is what makes this game COMPLETELY awesome!
  9. -=Morpheus=-

    Idea to help friendly players stay friendly

    I am a moral player. But, to openly mark immoral and moral players would ruin the chaos and reality of a zombie apocalypse environment. It is the reality or the actual simulation of the environment that makes this stand above just another FPS where you run, gun and respawn. The fact that you lose all your stuff and start from the beginning again is key here. Bandits get killed too. Moral players become more leery of people they meet and have to be on their guard. Always. That's just the way it is. This is a zombie apocalypse. EVERYONE is fighting for their mere survival. Everyone. The only character thing that I think would be useful is, if not character appearance customization, several character skins that an individual can WILLINGLY choose from on his own beyond just male and female.