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Bad Uncle Bob

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Everything posted by Bad Uncle Bob

  1. Bad Uncle Bob

    Looking For Clan

    West Coast N.A. Survivor looking for a clan, have had some pretty good runs and have a few friends that play but not as much as me and getting tired of going solo. Looking for something still fairly casual with an established server. Started playing fairly recently but apparently being a friendly doesn't much matter when you're alone. My current best run in the 2 weeks I've been playing was a week long, ~470 zombies killed, died to inventory clearing bug of starvation, or I'd probably still be running, and I'd like to do better.
  2. Bad Uncle Bob

    Looking For Clan

    Easy kill doesn't bother me much since all I'm bringing in will be my skills and a flashlight.
  3. Bad Uncle Bob

    Looking For Clan

  4. I'd like to join up if it's possible. Been playin for a few weeks, have a few friends who might be willing to join as well. Shoot me a PM.
  5. Bad Uncle Bob

    Where's My Candians At?

    Pm me and we'll talk. Me and a group of my buddies are from the West Coast.
  6. Bad Uncle Bob

    Help out a noob?

    If you want a group to play with send me a message, we have a good group of 5 that's all really friendly. We grouped during my first ever game and been playing together since.
  7. Bad Uncle Bob

    Looking for players/clan

    Add me on Steam, we have a group pf 5-6 who play pretty much every night. Steamid is Crakatak.