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Jace (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jace (DayZ)

  1. Jace (DayZ)

    Respawn Button POLL

    This is only to see how many people want the respawn button back.
  2. Jace (DayZ)

    Respawn Button POLL

    think about the noobs...
  3. Ok so whenever I try to launch DayZ launcher and steam it comes up with the error: Shader model 2 not supported anymore My operating system: Windows XP My Specs: I can run skyrim on high (dont know exactly :P) My DayZ version: beta 94444 Please help me fix this problem thanks -Jace P.S. my picture is being weird it wont post
  4. Jace (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Well lets see a few days back my friend and I ventured to the NE Airfield for the first time, not well armed just an enfield with a few mags and an AK-74 with 5 bullets. we made quick work of the hangers, but in the distance we see a car driving we quickly head to the COM's tower. My friend and I had never driven a car, so with my buds amzing marksman skills just 2 bullets 1 in each of their heads they were both down, this is where it gets... interesting... We quickly dispatched to the vehicle to find a third in a ghille suit and this guy... well just listen we gun him down not yet dead just passed out we loot him and find two MK17 TWS SD's with 16 mags! WOW we had never seen guns like this, but no time to waste we jump in the jeep and run the ghille suit man a.k.a. "The Third' over with the jeep and now he finally dies. Now we have been driving for a couple minutes and we see a helicopter, they tried saying something, but it wasn't very audible considering I was in a skype call with my friend. All of the sudden the session ends so we join another server and run into the hills after we sigh about the loss of our beloved jeep we try to use the MK17's and see they have thermal scopes oh yeah! We go to town on the zombies and head in-land, at this point we have more respect for our lives and cautiosly and covertly start raiding ZELEN we head down to the market loot it to the bone and move out. We had about 30 zeds on our tail, so we use our tactic one person sprints ahead, turns around, and and lights those F'ers up! After eliminating them all we head back to the NE Airfield once we get there we decide to log off and take a break considering we'd been playing for about 5 - 6 hours. We log back on the next day my friend in the farthest hanger and I'm in the COM's tower I quicly and covertly cleaned the area and dispatched towards my bud, but around the second hanger i randomly freeze fo about 3 seconds, then 2 zeds manage to work their way in front of me I get into a mosh-pit of zombies and my bones break and at this point my friend is lighting those zeds up! But sadly not enough to save me... My friend never died though, in-fact he was able to meet up with me in Cherno but only with an AK-74 Kobra lost everything else but I ran to the balota airfield (respawned there) got shot in the leg now on 3000 blood I run to the first hanger and acquire an m4a1 with 5 mags I throw a smoke grenade and run out guns blazing through my smoke and rip a bandit's face a new one. Running back to the cherno hospital my friend gets me a blood transfusion we then run to the outskirts of the city and fortify a house so we could call it home we then log off to take a break. TO BE CONTINUED... By: Jace