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Partypants Pete

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About Partypants Pete

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Partypants Pete

    Stuck at Loading screen!!

    I've had this problem for over a week now. I've tried every new "fix" I can find and nothing. I'm running the updated versions of everything. This makes me, as the french say, le sad.
  2. Partypants Pete

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    I agree with most, but I disagree with the flashlight idea. It should still need to be equipped or make it not part of your starting gear. I don't want a permanent light button that there's no interaction with.
  3. Partypants Pete

    Greatest Kill Of My Life

    I didn't bash him for his bad grammar. I clearly stated I enjoyed his post. Now this is me bashing you for your lack of reading comprehension.
  4. Partypants Pete

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    This is so totally urgent.
  5. Partypants Pete

    Best sidearm?

    My fave would be the 1911, then PDW, revolver, G17, and Mak. G17 used to be my fave but I put 13 rounds in a guys chest point blank in the barracks once and he still managed to kill me before he bled out. :(
  6. Partypants Pete

    Whats the Official word on ghillies this patch?

    He probably gets it.
  7. Partypants Pete

    Greatest Kill Of My Life

    Things I like about this thread. 1 Excessive capitalization of title 2 Nearly total lack of capitalization 3 No punction 4 Made me lol
  8. Partypants Pete

    One shot.

    This is practically my DayZ motto.
  9. Partypants Pete

    Whats the Official word on ghillies this patch?

    They equip just fine. I just equipped mine I've been carrying for a while. Not sure about finding them though.
  10. Partypants Pete

    Eating & Drinking

    You can rub off on me. I mean... this isn't where I parked my car!
  11. Partypants Pete

    Do Ghillie suits exist

    If by this patch you mean the patch where you couldnt put it on, then yes. If, however, you say this patch and mean the patch that is currently out where you can put them on safely, then the answer is no.
  12. Partypants Pete

    Do Ghillie suits exist

    I carried one around until the patch. Just put it on and it worked.
  13. Partypants Pete

    I've learned a valuable lesson

    Exactly. The only mistake I think you made is you didn't shoot him the first chance you had. Lootz and a murder? Win win.
  14. Partypants Pete

    Enfield or Winchester?

    I leave the Enfield where it is every time. I made the mistake of picking it up once and once only. The winchester, however, is a good gun.
  15. Partypants Pete

    Is losing everything... Enough?

    Hey, whoah, I get it man. You're a hero. You take pollution down to zero. But do you really need to combine the powers of all those weapons to be be yourself? Is that how you really want to define yourself?