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Posts posted by Hexares

  1. http://imgur.com/93UsBDL for a direct picture of it.

    All I can see is a videogame character raising his right arm.

    I really don't know if OP is trolling. I really don't know if someone can be dumb enough to actually think this is a nazi related...thing. I really don't know if we have to consider every person with his right arm raised in the air as a nazi.

    Minus 50 points of hope in humanity. Thanks a lot.


    Anyway I'm pretty sure The devs will add a SHAKY animation to the arm in their next build so it won't be MISINTERPRETED. OR INTERHERPDERPED, whatever.

    And I sincerely hope we won't see the rising of a new totalitarian ideology using a shaky raised arm as a rally sign before the game's out.

    That could be the best troll ever, though.

  2. Also, the Browning Hi-power handgun should be a staple item found in DayZ.


    This finely crafted 9mm handgun made by John Browning was distributed and used all over the world. There is no reason why it would not be found locked safely someone's desk drawer in the DayZ world.

    Close to it, I really wonder why there isn't any official CZ75 variant in the game or the mod. We already have CZ5xx, VZ58... Why not a CZ75? It was designed on the basis of a Browning HP and is one of the best flag-guns of the czechoslovakian armament industry. Headshoting zombies with this would be so cool.

    And that noise <3 DAT NOISE :D

    love that thing.

  3. DayZ is not set in the US. What weapons you may or may not find in the US are irrelevant to the fictional state of Chernarus.

    Just keep that in mind.


    Plus, people complaining about the overflow of military grade weapons in DayZ Chernarus should really play ARMA2 Harvest Red campaign. This fictional country (Chernarus) has seen war with a pro-russia and a pro-america side involved, then russians and americans themselves.

    Just like in the Balkans, the country is overflooded with guns!

    And on the question of realism, let me tell you a story to give some insights about the "why" and the "how".

    I currently work with some strangers, and most notably with a macedonian political refugee who had to flee his own country after the civil wars of the 90's. Even if he was a kid back then, he lived in a village where guns were completely common.

    AKM's, PKM's, RPK's, RPD's, RPG's, SVD's, 82mm mortars were EVERYWHERE. And he learned to use some of these.

    He wasn't a freedom fighter, or a terrorist, nor any of his fellow village inhabitants were. But as they had to get out eventually after they took some bad hits from their local military, during the ethnic purges that ensued the war, they had managed to get some military equipment to face a possible attack, nothing more.

    Chernarus, even if fictionnal, is WAY more close to this kind of state than any other western/northern American state.

    If maps set in England, Germany, France, Italia, Spain, Switzerland, are created, then maybe they'll all have different guns and weapons, with different drop rates.

    Again, there's a difference between realism and contextual realism.

    DayZ Chernarus is contextually realist. There's nothing strange or unrealistic by having lots of different guns here, as this map will be the mother of all those which will come with DayZ standalone.

    • Like 4

  4. real gamers just use mouse + keyboard

    *vomits over the thread*
    Also this.

    I consider gaming mouses and gaming keyboards, with special keys allowing to bind whatever under your fingers, are by far THE BEST solution ever possible for an FPS.

    Why would you use a controller instead? Hell... Do you drive your car with a Dance Dance Revolution pad? Do you play piano with boxing gloves?

    • Like 2

  5. The MP5 for example shoots supersonic ammo but the suppressor uses gas bleedoff to slow the velocity to subsonic without using specialist ammunition

    That's interresting! Never heard about that, do you have any link on the subject?

  6. So the point of this game is to make a more realistic type of zombie survival game right? Why not make SD ammo regular ammo, for instance, the M9 SD weapon can only use SD ammo right now, but In my opinion should be changed to any type of M9 ammo. I thought it was weird that silenced guns had their own type of ammo seeing as how in real life there is no such thing. Just pointing it out there because after I usually find a silenced weapon with ammo all around it, it becomes obsolete once I use up all the ammo seeing as I cant find anymore. Turns finding a rare gun useless :(

    Very true although sub sonic ammo is real you dont need it for a already suppressed weapon

    Lol, yes you do.

    Firstly, you must use a subsonic cartridge if your pistol or rifle is equipped with a suppressor to reach complete silence. A subsonic ammunition is silent because it does not goes past mach 1, and don't cause the caracteristic "clac" when the sound caused by the aerial shockwave reach the ears of someone on the trajectory of the bullet.

    Secondly, shooting a non subsonic ammunition through a suppressor causes over-pressure and can damage the suppressor itself with debris and blast.

    The main differences between these rounds are primarily the powder type and charge, and in some rare cases the rifling of the barrel (for some fully silenced weapons not intended to shoot something else than subsonic cartridges, like Mp5sd variants.

    Wich explains why a subsonic round will travel less far than a classic one.

    In ARMA2 this phenomenon can be observed with long distance shooting using suppressed rounds and guns, the in-game ballistic showing clearly this with scoped rifles.

    For an almost subsonic round like 9x19mm para/luger (355meters/second or mach 1.04 with a 9x19 luger) the difference is not THAT big, but still: does the unsuppressed M9 uses a civilian 9x19mm? Or the overpressured military round 9mm+P ? My bet on this one.

    Therefore, using this round with a suppressor would be almost as dangerous for the shooter than it is for his target, as the suppressor would be slowly rendered ineffective and could dramatically break.

    Suppressed versions of handguns used by specops, commandos, whatever special unit wich has to use them, usualy shoot lightweight loads rounds.

    So yeah, you can still shoot these round into an UNsuppressed weapon, but it is not dangerous, unlike shooting 9mm NATO in a M9...

    Except if you would like to have an M9's slide cutlass pierced into your eyebrow... And possibly your brain.

    So tl;dr:

    You don't shoot normal rounds used with unsuppressed weapons, with a silenced/suppressed weapon.

    For both effective suppression of gunshot sound and bullet travelling sound. And for security reasons.


  7. there was no bullet shot or anything

    LOL! Of course there is!!!

    We can clearly hear an AS50 shot juste before you die.

    The point you hear it after you're being "shot" is due to the distance, as sounds travels slower than bullets.


    And you made a video about it arguing it's a hacker???!!!???

    Trust me sir you can't even imagine how stupid you look.

    By the way, Dayz is a game where these kind of things does happen VERY OFTEN. If you start to whine about it with:

    - a coyote pack

    - a hatchet

    - a pdw

    - a 1911

    - a winchester

    - some coke and beans


    You clearly have NO IDEA what it is to lose some VALUABLE things that takes a lot to find. And I sincerely think you should play another game, or you'll risk to hurt someone.

  8. I wonder if we really need this kind of players.

    You're aware this is an alpha? not even a beta, an ALPHA.

    You're aware this is not a GAME but a MOD?

    So until here, are you aware this is the ALPHA of a MOD?

    Do you understand what it implies?

    Are you aware the original game on wich was built dayz is a SIMULATION, coming from developpers with balls of lead, who are also developping military softwares for troop training manoeuvering, technical notices on the usability of military devices, and 3D awareness on the battlefield?

    So in the end, are you aware you did not bought the latest Herp-Derp-AAA-for-kiddies-FPS and the mod you're playing is not the zombie mode of CoD?

    I really wonder. I do.

    And you should too.

    • Like 3

  9. Or you could simplify it with just finding say .... 9mm bullets, then anything that takes 9mm you have ammo for.

    Of course, the realism nuts will hate that.

    I would.

    9x18 makarov isn't the same than 9x19parabellum... Wich is not 9x21 IMI, wich is not 7N31, wich is not the same than 9x19 NATO, wich is not the same than 0.380ACP (also know as 9x17), wich is not 0.38 ACP (!!!) etc. etc.

    All these rounds are 9mm handguns ammo, though. But do not try to shoot these rounds into a 9mm gun not designed to shoot it, or you could very possibly hurt yourself in case of a dramatic failure. It happens on a daily basis to civilians and police/military/professional shooters. What about zombie apocalypse survivors then?

    In a game where you can break your leg by falling off a 3 meters high wall, this ammo discrimination is not "nuts realism". It is "contextual realism".

    Just like it is contextually realist in EvE online to clone yourself in case you're killed.

    The better way to avoid these ammo types problems is :

    - to limit the type and numbers of available guns

    - discriminate the types of ammo they shoot

    This can offer new elements of gameplay, for example :

    - add a mag pouch where you can see your full and empty magazines (of different types)

    - add a "miscellaneous ammo" pouch, where you can stock a set weight or number of different rounds

    Then you would have a lot of different guns that could be able to shoot the same ammunition, even if they are not carried in the same magazine.

    For example, your makarov rounds could be used in a PP19 bizon. (and suddenly, new horizons appears to makarov owners in DayZ).

    Or, as some people pointed out: the 7.62x51 NATO rounds could be used in all the 7.62 NATO weapons.

    Without killing every possible realism (CoD-style) this solution would offer a new way to the players to use their weapons and manage their ammo.

  10. What you have said in regard to match ammo/barrels is correct, however the standard FN FAL does not have a march grade barrel. In an emergency you can use delinked M80 rounds in a M24 rifle during the absence of 118LR ammo IRL and given the situation of DayZ I would think one would opt to have a usable weapon, rather one without ammunition, despite long term effects on the barrel.

    I agree, but this should be set in-game. Of course the standard FN FAL, just like the HKG3, shot M80 ammo (or some belgian/german/whatever counterpart to this round) most of the time, but then, in order to keep things realistic, the developers should add 3 layers of compatibility to the weapons:

    can it fire this round?

    - does the player have the magazine/clip/amobox to carry the rounds?

    - does the weapon performs better with another ammo type, and then

    - can we change the ammo we're using in our mags?

    So in-game we would need:

    - empty magazines to fill with ammo

    - boxes of ammo to fill the magazine with

    - different trajectory/terminal ballistic effects considering the weapon and ammo type.

    I don't know many FPS games that use a system of this kind to manage ammo. It would be particularly annoying for the moderately hardcore player. Just think about the inventory problems, the people who do like to shoot zeds but are not that much into guns... It would be a torture for them. Introducing an automatic magazine reload procedure could be a good idea though.

    Furthermore, to adapt these gameplay elements to dayz would require, I guess, a lot of efforts, an I'm not even sure the game engine can take it without being heavily modified.

    So yeah, a change on the matter of ammo/guns could be nice, but if it leads to a complete mess in the inventory, It may not be worth it.

  11. I'm pretty much a noob but are the mags identical ?

    I agree with the fact that rounds are the same but are the mags the same? I mean the casing of the bullets... Maybe the DMR mags (casing) won't fit in the FAL...

    Just a noob question.

    They are the same 7.62 NATO round. In fact you should be able to delink M240 Bravo ammo also as it is the same caliber as the M14 and FN FAL.

    Short answer: no. Long answer: no.

    Even the inch fal mags (mags for the britsh L1A1) won't work in a metric FAL (produced by FNH) while metric FAL mags will fit in a british L1A1.

    Concerning the magazines: FAL mags are NOT compatible with M1A/M14 magazine well. You'll need a conversion.

    Compatibility between magazines has nothing to do with type of ammo. You can't set a G36 mag into an AR15, even if they were designed to shelter the same round. BUT you can charge a 6.5x39mm grendel or a 6.8x43mm SPC into a "stanag" magazine, because these rounds were designed for these magazines.

    Again, this has nothing to do with ammo type or caliber, and yet, you don't shoot the same ammo in a M14/M21/DMR/AR10/G3SG1/whatever 7.62x51 marksman rifle (M118) than in a M240/M60 (M80) for the sake of your match grade barrel. Assuming the scoped rifles of Dayz does, it would have no sense at all to allow this.

  12. Hi, why add a Korobov TKB rifle to your list? It was an early assault rifle prototype, from an ingenious engineer, but it was never produced and never saw combat. Just like his famous TBK022 bullpup design using Ak mags.

    Plus, a lot of other russian weapons are present in Arma2 data files. They could be implemented, no need for extra exotic pieces of weaponry.

    Soon we'll see CoD kids asking for a famas... :dodgy:
