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About ChapYurin

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  1. ChapYurin

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Another patch with useless *&%@! Why not to fix the MAIN PROBLEMS? Like player disconnecting to avoid any battle with zombies or people >_<, this is corrupting whole game. Or the bug with switching servers, some idiots go 1 lootable area (like airfield), switching 20 servers, get all best guns + special items. Forget about other problems like stupid bear traps, do that later.
  2. ChapYurin

    The Crossbow.

    I totally agree with this suggestion. Crossbow is my favorite weapon in-game but it must be improved in ammo and scope ways. I know it's not important thing what game really needs now but I hope in future crossbow will be improved.
  3. ChapYurin

    Crossbow need scope.

    As a title says crossbow need scope. I know it's not important at the moment, you got more serious suggestion to realize but I hope you will at least see this. Why not to make crossbow equally powerful compared to other weapons in-game? :huh: Here is 2 examples of usual crossbow sights: - Multi-Reticle Scope 3x32: Or if you think that scope is too good, then how about this one: - 3 Dot Dual Color Optic: Well think about my suggestion and take your time about conclusion. I just hope someday in some patch it will be added in future. Source: http://parkerbows.com/RHcrossbowacc.html?action=detail&detailsku=1074 http://parkerbows.com/RHcrossbowacc.html?action=detail&detailsku=1073
  4. ChapYurin

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    About zombies, is it possible to fix that they bite through walls and running through walls aswell. Or it will be fixed later? And In which patch we should expect Bandit/Survivor Morphing removing? How about making all players in survivor skin and later adding patch with skins?
  5. ChapYurin

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Please fix "Save old camping tent" bug, it just stuck after you see it. And it blocks a lot of options to heal your mates in-game.
  6. ChapYurin

    Dynamic Underground Shelters-Interiors

    Great Idea, I also was thinking about underground facilities (like military secret bases or secret laboratories). I hope someday it will be added. Reminds me of "stalker" scariest places in-game :3
  7. ChapYurin

    Enlarging the map

    I like idea about underground facilities. Is it even possible to realize it? Would be awesome to explore them, totally out of light, with full of zombies and deadly traps.
  8. So as you know new patch made much longer visibility. The down side of it, that it dropped fps to hell. "* [FIXED] Fog is way too thick" I know there is a lot of threads with "fps problems", I want to ask Is it possible to lower visibility for myself? Tryed in options, doesn't help. Maybe there is other ways to lower it?
  9. So I suggest to add a slot for flashlight instead of making it secondary weapon slot :-/. Also you could use it WITH your secondary(sidearm) weapon only. I mean something like this: Tell me what you think about this idea.
  10. If you don't get what my suggestion about from title i will explain below. Sorry if anyone suggest this but i couldn't find it. - Shotgun bullets: As I played the game I found a bit weird to make difference between shotgun bullets for winchester (15) and to other shotguns (8) with SAME caliber (12 gauge). So how about making one type of bullets for ALL shotguns, with same caliber it makes sense. And also 15 rounds is too many per 1 magazine, i suggest 8 bullets per magazine for all shotgun types. Leave your arguments below, hope this will be fixed/added.
  11. I just wanted to share few suggestions from me, I hope administration will check them. Sorry if some suggestions already on forums. - Debug monitor: How about to make also your total stats, like your stats in this life (like now) and your total stats, how many kills(zombies, bandits, innocent), time played, walked, and stuff like that. - Improving crossbow: As I played with crossbow, it's total disaster at the moment. Very low ammo, too damn hard to aim! Would be fair if you put scope on it. - Remove panic sounds: IMO they was big mistake, your panic is your own panic which you can make mistakes by it. You are playing character in-game, you fully controlling him! If I am fully armed, ready for horde, got nice position to defend, totally sure I kill those zombies, and why the hell my character must panic like a little pussy. Also when need to stay quiet because some bandits can be near me, and he panic, making those sounds, this is just wrong. Please delete those damn panic sounds.
  12. I suggest to become a good guy you need like 10k level of humanity, not less, it must be long hard way.
  13. ChapYurin

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Great suggestion! I hope someday it will be added and it should be very hard and dangerous to use melee, not like in l4d2 :D
  14. ChapYurin

    Group/Party Spawning

    Great Suggestion! I am so tired of running hours after spawn just to meet friends, such a time wasting.