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About rspwn

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    On the Coast
  1. Server: LU211 ran by dayzmod.fr Time: 3:19AM GMT Hack: Mass teleport to the Drakon lighthouse So I was just playing with my mate, scouting near Krasno AF when we got teleported to, what later turned out to be, Drakon lighthouse. It wasn't just us as right after teleport I was aiming and some sniper's head. Obviously immediate Alt+F4 from me, but my mate wasn't so lucky with it (he has been shot, logging in on another server ended with "gender selectoin" screen). If possible, I'd like a rollback to any state prior to that 3:19AM GMT (01.08.2012) incident for my friend "Wroclawiak" and possibly, but not neccesarily, for me: "Terminator". I haven't captured any screenshots, but the server is ran by guys from dayzmod.fr and it was couple of them playing at the moment, so anyone of them can confirm that happend (especially that they shut down server just few seconds later).
  2. rspwn

    I love bandits but really ?

    I'd say if you were shot within last 5 minutes and the person who did damage is still alive, you cannot abort. That said, server hopping is probably as low as it gets. If they pussy out of the fight, why come back? However same approach should go towards server hopping in order to gather up some decent loot (ie switching near ss or nwaf). No wonder I see so many noobs with AS50s, M107s, L85s and ghillies...
  3. Firstly, hello everyone I'm new to these forums but I've been anjoying my DayZ for some time now. My hardware: http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2028/screen1uyy.png with 4gb of ram. Visibility: 1200 Texture Detail: Low Video Memory: High AF: Very High AA: Very High Terrian Detail: Low Objects Detail: Low Shadow Detial: High Post Effect: Disabled HDR: Normal Interface Size: Small Interface Res: 1366x768 3D res: 1366x768 vsync: Off I play using ArmA2:Free with Op Arrowhead. FPS I get is within 12-20 range with occasional spikes up to 28 with my weapon/binocs scoped in. I have the newest drivers, as well as arma2oa.exe whitelisted on my optimus settings sheet for dedicated gpu. Friends I play with seem to be getting much better fps with similar settings and hardware (they all run arma free too). Also, this is one of the very few games that cause problems for me. Fairly recent titles such as Dead Island run maxed out with x2 aa and x4 aniso at steady 50fps+. That said, I've tried some tweaks such as disabling HT or upping the priority on arma2oa process of which neither had a positive effect on my framerate. Thanks in advance for every piece of advice given.