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About Dajnamajt

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    GBG - Sweden

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    ”If I’m not back in an hour, call the President...”
  1. Dajnamajt

    The Latest Patch

    I In the main menu, go to expansions, and disable Dayz? :P
  2. Questions like this is alot easier to answer if you tell which server you were on ;) Cause there are atm 3650 servers up and running :)
  3. Dajnamajt

    Hacker SE 51

    They really should! This is FUBAR at the moment :P
  4. Ye, this server is fucked up at the moment! something has to be done! Ive got another thread for this server and the hacking has been going on since atleast yesterday. Today i have been: turned into a cow, teleported out to sea(took me 1hour and 15min to swim back), teleported to wilderness (and now im stuck here) Some dayz admins should bring the server down or something cause admins dont do anything. And please, wipe the chars on that server or something cause you disabled the respawn button so i cant get out of wilderness atm! And i KNOW alot of people have the same problem.
  5. Dajnamajt

    Hacker SE 51

    Ye, ive been teleported to the wilderness now.. stuck here. And the respawn button is disabled FREKKIN WONDERFULL!
  6. Dajnamajt

    Hacker SE 51

    Okey, So this server is still under "hacker attack", they are spawning choppers in cherno, i just got transferd to a cow, and earlier whole server got sent to seas! Admin should maybe look in to this?!
  7. Dajnamajt

    Hacker SE 51

    Ye, so almost the whole server got teleported to water just 4min ago. Should look it up :)
  8. Dajnamajt

    Annoying Random FPS Freeze

    Ive got the same problems. DayZ/Arma used to run smooth but now ive got all this constant lagg /low fps. My brother experience the same thing!
  9. Dajnamajt

    Looking for a trustworthy group

    Is there such a thing as a trust worthy group. unless irl friends? hehe. I play with my brother and two/three irl friends cause i know i can find them and beat them up if the dubble-cross me hehe
  10. Same here, i got a real good fps improvement from this patch!
  11. Hope your real proud, you the guy who got caught at the southern tip, sniping from the bushes. And when we ran in to you, almost killed you and you ALT+F4. Glad i didnt catch your name else i would report you, you coward!
  12. Dajnamajt

    Cannot play/edit error

    This worked fine. strange tho, i had dayz enabled all the time before. but removing the -mod=@dayz and restarting, then doing whay you said solved it hehe :P
  13. Ok, got some probs now :P : I get the "dayz files missing/deleted" error when i join a 94997 server. I get stuck on "waiting for host" when i join some other server using an older version. Ive reinstalled both Arma and DayZ, still the same problem. I use the 94997 verison (check inside arma) and the DayZ mod is loaded. Using sixlauncher will downgrade my Arma so i use a shortcut with "-@dayz" added to it. Ive tried both coping the BE .DLL's to the folder, and using the installer. The BE verision is now correct, 1.163. Some help please! SOLVED
  14. Ok, got some probs now :P : I get the "dayz files missing/deleted" error when i join a 94997 server. I get stuck on "waiting for host" when i join some other server using an older version. Ive reinstalled both Arma and DayZ, still the same problem. I use the 94997 verison (check inside arma) and the DayZ mod is loaded. Using sixlauncher will downgrade my Arma so i use a shortcut with "-@dayz" added to it. Ive tried both coping the BE .DLL's to the folder, and using the installer. Some help please!