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rocker (DayZ)

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Everything posted by rocker (DayZ)

  1. Hey guys. Been reading this for a while now lol....! i agree with both sides really to be honest. although Roboserg is acting like a petulent child. There are clear rules for server hosts. These dont include ignoring them if your having server problems. Whilst i agree you probaly werent doing anything untoward. Youve got to expect some people to see what you did as "dodgy". From what ive seen though servers have been banned/blacklisted for much less than this. So im not sure. either way. Its only a game :)
  2. rocker (DayZ)

    New Day-z Stream

    Hey guys. just as above really. Ive started a new stream of day z and various other games. but mainly day z. Hopeing to have giveaway and viewer games etc etc. should be a giggle. Please come watch/support/follow if you enjoy. twitch.tv/rockerfella99 i stream most nights for about 4/5 hours a time based in the UK. Thanks guys GL HF Rocker
  3. rocker (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    lol doug. im not sure how you state "paying" custoumers in your post. but i didnt pay anything for day z. and neither did you, so please hush child.
  4. rocker (DayZ)

    everyday im De-syncin'

    hey guys first post here so be nice! :) just wondering if anyone is having the horrific de syncing problems. its almost impossible to play with friends in game now. due to the fact one of us tends to disappear for 2 minutes then reappear 200 meters away... e.g. my friend killed a zombie as i was de syncing.. the same zombie managed to make me bleed and break my legs then i died. pretty good. :) rocker