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Skipspence (DayZ)

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About Skipspence (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Skipspence (DayZ)

    Winny changes

    You will still have the pellets! *Hugs my Remington 870*
  2. Skipspence (DayZ)

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    I've played this game for a long time now. While me and my friends have never played in a large clan environment fighting as a battalion with dedicated player roles, We have made our own games using mods people have made such as creationism. We've made a last stand game where we earn money through waves and built up out defenses against ever growing enemy AI, we've started from crashed helicopters trying to out run A Spatnaz squad in a hind to reach the coast and escape. We've started as British soldiers in the desert with pistols and have to raid enemey patrols for Lee Enfields and AKs so we could attack larger forces to get bigger weapons to attack weapon convoys. My friend has provided our little with squad with hundreds of hours of game play. We love this mod, why? because there are players hunting us! Even if we are just interested in just survival everything is a tactical decision because even just popping out of the forest to look at a town through binocs my result in a bullet through the lens and eye. Its exciting! We've got tactics, other players have tactics and we have to adapt, survive and then die. These new guys only add to the game. the experience and how you play. Variety is the spice of live!
  3. Skipspence (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    It was the dead of Night, my watch said it was 11:24pm. But no way to know for sure, I had found this watch ad had no way to check its time. My fellow survivors and I had heard of an Airfield to the North West. We decided to break camp to search said place for supplies. After hours of slow and steady traveling through the dead of night with only a weak moon and the glimmer of the man in fronts backpack for company, We came to a small T-junction. The man in front whispered "from here we move silently". We broke into a Square formation two to each side of the road, My long time friend to my left armed with a hunting rifle was periodically surveying the distance as best he could. The two upfront armed both with rifles, covered the front and left and right respectively. I covered the rear with my AKM, nervous on the reliability of my newly found weapon. Ahead appeared a fence followed by a perimeter wall, We stopped carefully checking our surroundings and listening to the quiet for the slightest sound. *Crack* *Crack* We heard an automatic gun firing, my friend with his far superior hearing to me identified small arms fire supporting this guy. We advanced with caution. We found a gap n the fence, slipped through and began searching for a gap in the concrete wall, luck fell upon us, there was just enough room for us to crawl under part of the wall only a few metres away from where we entered the first perimeter. Proned we crawled through the under growth into a small clump of trees. *Crack* *Crack* more gunfire. We heard a man shout "Next time let me use this grenade" We moved to the edge of the trees, suddenly the whole airfield opened up before us. "There infront of us, far side" the man on point stated. We watched... A gunfight had broken out, we could only see on party. We watched quietly until the firing ceased. The three men we saw had won the exchange of bullets. We took up a tactile spread along the forest line, we could only assume these men were hostile. We listened, and heard nothing. Suddenly "Halfway across, they are moving towards us". Our point man whispered "Prepare to fire, two rounds each and cease. I want a spread of fire, confuse them with jumping mussel flashes. Sniper open up first. None reply. "Fire" We open up, The sniper fires. *I missed* *Thrum* Suddenly bullets are being returned. I hear the air move overhead. I pop up, take aim at the erratic Mussle flashes and pull the trigger! fire twice, I hit the floor and roll to my right and wait. I hear the man to my left let out two shots, I pop up again and fire twice and down again. *Bang* There was an explosion, at first I thought they threw a grenade but it was the man to my left that threw it. Silence rang through the air. The exchange was over, Was he dead? Did he run away? I'll never know but we lived to live another day.