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About mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

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  1. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    Can't Download Maps on DayZ Commander

    I installed the .eu version of taviana last night and played on a few servers. Woke up today and noticed that there was a new taviana labeled .com so i tried to install but all I got was a red triangle error. I then used trial and error by removing the .eu version and tried to install and no luck. I then wanted to see if it was just the map by downloading a different dayz map but still the same error. Does anyone know a fix to this? Now I can't play any dayz as of today...its whack.
  2. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    Bad Version, Server Rejecting Connection

    I am getting this error each time I connect to any version of DayZ. I have tried deleting my beta folder and reinstalling the arma 2 version via dayz commander but still no luck. I have also tried downloading a copy of the beta file from a 3rd party website to try and still no go. I do not want to uninstal arma 2 and operation arrowhead to fix this. Does anyone know of a work around that could help me?
  3. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    Mr.Pink Hacker/Scripter. Godmode.

    Thanks for the heads up. Ill keep an eye out for this player. We have currently switched the server to play on Panthera map. We have gotcha anti-hack enabled. You should play on our server again! There are a lot less hackers incidents than before.
  4. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    How to spot Hackers in log files?

    I stopped banning for the entry above. I am currently banning for anything to do with "1.0000000" in the set damage log, most entries in the setpos log, and allowing gotcha antihack to ban teleporters & weapon hackers. Its frustrating but necessary. I also enable the community bans so that other servers dont have to ban the same hackers as I do. I hope that with the 20+ hackers I ban daily that our server is doing its part for the community of dayz.
  5. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    How to spot Hackers in log files?

    Can you by chance post a website or something that I can reference from? I have tried looking up known script hacks but still no luck : / The only thing I currently have is watching my logs and my friends logs and then cross referencing that to the rest of the logs to see if anything is different and then making judgement calls. But making judgement calls isnt the best way to go about this. EDIT : I just came across this on my server while using gotcha anti-hack - 18:33:19 - RemoteExec Log: #1 Allden (af091c8549f07a6da1aff2b927fb298a) - #70 "this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';" I kicked him. Should I ban for this?
  6. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    How to spot Hackers in log files?

    Through trial and error I have been able to teach myself what to look for in my vilayer server log files and then ban hackers accordingly. I know that there is stil many more things I need to be looking for to get them all (even though you really cant ever get them all). Does anyone know of a list of things to watch for in certain log files to spot hackers? I have tried googling this subject to no luck. Does having 1.0000 in setdamage.txt log mean someone is hacking? Does appearing in the setpos.txt log mean someone is hacking? There are so many questions and zero answers out there for me to gain knowledge from. If any experienced admin can offer me some assistance you will certainly gain some beans. Thanks
  7. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    Confirmed Hacker! "[359]Jon"

    I just joined Seattle 84 and encountered a dead player body inside the farm building inside of Stary. I had the l85a2 with nv/thermal scope and i scouted out the area and saw a guy in a ghillie suit and so I shot and killed him without hesitation. Then it said, for the whole server to see, that I specifically had killed him. I had never seen that before. It always just says that so and so "was killed". So this got me a little nervous at first. I ran to loot his body but it was gone. I then started looking around again and saw him alive about 50m away from where I shot him...so i shot him down again and got the "was killed" notification again and when i went to loot his body it disappeared. I then disconnected from the server because I didnt want to get killed over some noob hacker little kid. His name was [359]Jon and he was hacking on Seattle 84 at around 2am mountain time outside Stary. If there is anyway to get this guy the heck out of all servers so he doesnt ruin players multiple day old characters then pleaseee do it. No one likes hackers, they ruin the game for everyone.
  8. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    Impossible to Report Hackers

    I jut killed a guy named "[359]Jon" and it said r33tm0nk3y has killed [359]Jon....which was very strange because it never shows who killed you. I then waited around for a minute and there he was again with all his gear. I killed him again and ran up to his body and it disappeared so I left the server. If anyone encounters this guy then please point him out to any admins on the server so he can get some bans going his way. I heard of a hack that enables someone to regain their body after death and spawn where they want...that is horsesh!t. I didnt want to stick around and let my 4 day old character die from some little kid hacker noob.
  9. mrenbarger87@hotmail.com

    Admin power abuse?

    I don't find it fun to kill an admin and then realize they have rebooted the server before I can loot them.... Takes the fun out of it 100%. This is some bogus stuff....its worse than someone logging out when you are shooting at them. I thought at first it was just coincidence but it has happened time and time again...