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Everything posted by Jasmer

  1. http://dayzmod.com/f...-mod-177-patch/ its in the announcement pages....
  2. yea it was leaked by a redditer by the name of monky i believe but its a very early version from the febuaray DevBlog
  3. anyone else notice he said he had a radio >_>
  4. Jasmer

    Larger Maps

    .... The New chernarus map has added maps together Chernarus and Utes.
  5. Jasmer

    Taviana Help

    Every time i download it ive tried downloading it from Tunngle and itll fully download (found out tunngle is missing some files.) so that failed so i downloaded through sixlauncher (ew i know) but either way i join using the tunngle download or the six download it says im running the Wrong DayZ_Code how do i change my dayZ code to 1.1.0 it keeps forcing me to using the Code... please help
  6. i think an accurate seasonal pattern would add even more immersion tho it shouldnt be introduced like that until late into the beta once were out of alpha just to see how its running. but say like it is now seasons change every 4 months so why not do that for DayZ to were already on a accurate 24 hour timer. also legitimate weather and tempeture patterns for the area your in should be regulated like say if ur in the northernmost part of the map it should be colder then the southern part.
  7. no it doesnt it actually shuts off as for the car thing a car wont dead stop if you throw it in neutral and turn off the engine while ur going 60 mph down the road itll keep its momentum until it runs out. if nothings holding the gas pedal then itll slow up until it finally stops
  8. Jasmer

    Server Restart???

    just save it doesnt matter how long before you save it.
  9. it falls.... common sense when u get out of a vehicle the engine shuts off sooo no engine = blades stop spinning
  10. u have to repair it completely or it wont take fuel
  11. Jasmer

    M24 and M4A1 CCO SD need m249 and m9sd mags

    how many mags does the DMR have? before i offer
  12. I have one for you however we are different from other clans we have our own morals if you are intrested in joining a clan sign up for the site below. send a message to me (the admin/co-leader) or the leader of the clan. You will know who the leader is by checking the members list. http://predetorsofdayz.webs.com/
  13. I have True Video evidence (taken by me) that the Transmissions are false there is no transmissions if you do not believe me check my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EQiPibQcBY&feature=plcp
  14. Okay the whole Vault over stuff idea is great but where is the practicality of jumping, i believe more free-running animations should be added we all see major zombies movies you have the humans running jumping and leaping off of stuff and other Parkour-ish type stuff i believe animations like this should be added, itd give snipers kinda a harder time to hit if a player is able to move like that in random animation style like that, also bones should be strengthend up quite a bit and get rid of the shocked moment when dropping 3feet and stopping you from moving its quite annoying. i believe bones shouldnt be broken unless u fall from like 13feet up not 5 and a half.
  15. Jasmer

    Green Mountain Announcement

    nice try trollinski :P
  16. Jasmer

    Green Mountain Announcement

    haha ya... sorry bout the lag. Please spread this video around to people you believe never see this message. i want to clear up the myth that it does not exist. also if anyone has "Proof" that it does exist please show it.
  17. Jasmer

    Bandits looking for a clan?

    that is okay if at all possible we will attempt to gear you up im glad to see you did not alt f4.
  18. Jasmer

    Can i Get Banned For This?

    jus curious... but how do u make a custom face???
  19. the fences you do vault over in dayZ are like a foot and a half high your player is around 5'7" soo its actually not that big of a Vault...
  20. um... idk what to say to this.... tbh i dont know exactly what you mean... are you supporting my idea or... giving a reason against it???
  21. i really didnt think of the fact that it would be that good if everyone had the ability maybe it should come with practice like the more you made your character practice the motions the better he/she got?
  22. dutch Movies have nothing to do with the fact that some people in real life do parkour for fun. its not just movies
  23. Jasmer

    What I love about this game

    as my picture suggests im a sniper by heart however even as a half bandit-half hero i help or kill depending how my mood is (mostly help) and if i do kill its a well drawn out firefight of lots of weaving and moving around i always give a few warning shots (2) to give the opponent an idea of where i am, however i refuse to kill a player who is of no threat to me its just not right to kill someone like that.