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Everything posted by Jasmer

  1. Jasmer

    DayZ Epoch Group

    I would fill this out but honestly you can join my group i have my own TS3 server their will be my skype in a PM to you.
  2. well he has said around 13 euro which is 16.49 in american Dollars
  3. About banditry and just murderers. Not everyone is a bandit there is actually more Murderers Bandit: A robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area. That is a bandit which is someone who will hold you up and not kill you unless you are a obvious threat after you lose your weaponry. a murderer however is: a criminal who commits homicide (who performs the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being). This is the majority of people who consider themselves "bandits" these are the people who will just kill someone for shits and giggles they are not bandits the question is which sounds more like you. and which do you believe you are. This is a fun topic feel free to take it into a orderly debate.
  4. Jasmer

    LagSpikes Dayz New COmputer

    Lag normally has nothing to do with the computer unless its a FPS lag normally connection lagspikes have to do with your ISP. Lag is a Latency issue when sending packets of data to the server.
  5. Jasmer

    Is this banditry?

    nah this isnt banditry it was self defense you didnt shoot him he shot u he was the bandit in the situation it was his fault.
  6. Jasmer

    Monitoring "Combat log" in

    9 times out of 10 "kicked because of client is not responding" message is sent out because they have crappy internet and lost connection. However the only way for someone to properly combat log is to pull out there Internet Cable however for people who play on a desktop dont have the time to reach down there and grab it. besides it wont allow you to log out when a shot lands within 40 meters of you. It disables the log out button. atleast from everything i have seen.
  7. Jasmer

    Cannibalism and drinking your own urine

    um... have you ever heard of DayZ mercenary??? They added that feature already...
  8. Jasmer

    Bullet proof bushes

    never had issues with "bullet proof" bushes maybe u didnt line up the shot properly...
  9. i have heard someone having this issue before have you guys tried this on multiple servers?
  10. Jasmer

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    yea it can not well but the GPU is quite outdated but everything else is somewhat okay
  11. Jasmer

    Zombie and Frame Rate in the SA

    arma2 is just entirely badly optimized
  12. Jasmer

    All systems are go.

    or now that i think about it you should download the Breaking point mod as well BP is a whole different game much scarier imo if ur new to DayZ zombies are better aswell as is gear
  13. Jasmer

    All systems are go.

    Balota Buddies is a good server its a whitelisted server so go to www.balotabuddies.net in ur webbrowser and someone there will help you further about getting into that server,
  14. but ideal specs would be 3.0Ghz tri-core (or more cores) processor or faster 4GB ram nvida GTX 650 or higher thats if your not gonna be doing youtube videos
  15. Ibuypower.com there laptops will but they are kinda pricey
  16. not even close...... perhaps if there was a extremely low setting but theres not this thing wont even get 4 fps
  17. i believe this would be a great idea! in the RP servers such as City life, Taki life and island life cops have this item Cable ties. which are like handcuffs what if you added this to the dayZ standalone bandits could take someone hostage for awhile but after 5 minutes the hostage could break out of the ties so bandits cant just tie someone up and leave them. scenario: You see a player with a highpowered gun and all you have is a bat and the Player has no head protection you sneak up behind them and take a swing at there head knocking them out. what now you want to keep them alive but you want there gun. So this is where the Cable ties come in you tie them up and drag them away from zombies and all and you say " look mate im liberating your gun from you im going to let you go once i take it." since there hands are tied it forces them to drop the gun so you go back out grab the gun and untie him now since he doesnt have a weapon he can go on his merry way and you can to with your new gun.
  18. Jasmer

    Taking people hostage

    what is SAMP?
  19. I normally dont play the robber unless i absolutely need to or im going to die. i love being a hero ps. haha i have a friend ODgaming who rolled with tmw i used to help him out you probably know him jon.
  20. Jasmer

    Are there drawbacks to the MMO architecture?

    no i ment what i said.
  21. Jasmer

    AddMagazineCargo Restriction #110

    are you trying to reload a huey's m249 gun if so thats what will happen
  22. Jasmer

    Are there drawbacks to the MMO architecture?

    speaking that most of the stuff will be handled serverside will one server have slightly different compuations then another by a slight difference im expecting a few issues with balistics in the serverside.
  23. Jasmer

    That's unbeleivable, but that happened...

    xD the chances of that are astronomical!
  24. Jasmer

    Pro tips for a newbie?

    came in to give some tips but the rest above is what i woulda said. smart guys