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About Jamxo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I actually got to 560 before we attacked a town which resulted with me dying during a glitchy zombie respawn (was in a stairwell when one little hopper spawned directly inside me and insantly killed me!) Up to 200 with my next character now :)
  2. Jamxo

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Can anyone help me? I placed a tent, and have now packed it up, and it's laying in the bag in front of me with the option 'take camping tent' however when I click although the animation runs and I bend down nothing happens. Have plenty of inventory space and have carried it before. Not sure whats going wrong? Am on US3
  3. Jamxo

    Looking for UK survivors.

    Had an immense amount of fun since linking up with the iOGC guys last week so if you're thinking about it I can highly recommend heading over to the forums and signing up. I'm currently on 530 zombie kills and my survivor is still going strong with the help of these gents!
  4. Are wire barricades server persistent or player persist or basically, can anyone tell me specifically how they work and how long they last for? Thanks!
  5. Jamxo

    Looking for UK survivors.

    Great - here is my steam page http://steamcommunity.com/id/jamxo
  6. Had an awesome game with Drifter earlier so can highly recommend this group - most zeds I've dropped to date.
  7. Jamxo

    Looking for UK survivors.

    Sounds perfect - just what I'm after. Mainly like stalking the land hunting zeds and scrounging for supplies but also up for helping people or building a base. Not about player killing (unless they are proper bandits). In game name is Jam, steam is Jamxo - 23 years old, London, played OFP and Arma for longer than I can remember and hooked myself up with a microphone and teamspeak today just for this awesome, awesome mod. Hope to hear from ya!
  8. Jamxo

    Introduce yourselves

    Go by the name of Jamxo on steam, Jam in game. Played OFP and then Arma for many a year and came across this mod a few weeks okay which has since totally blown my mind. Can't remember the last time I was as excited and entertained by a game. Anyway recently got my microphone working again so would really like to link up and play with people - interested mainly in zed and bandit hunting and helping people out rather than causing grief. Hit me up! Thanks
  9. Hi there, Just saw this thread and registered! Am a long time OFP and Arma player and have spent the last week having my mind blown by this awesome mod. UK based and would love to link up with some other players, have steam, and just about to set up Teamspeak and a microphone.