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Posts posted by colinthecaterpilar@gmail.com

  1. Yo,

    three times this has happened now. I kill someone, steal all their stuff, carry on playing or wait at least 10 mins and then when i play again it gives me the same old stuff i used to have! I'm stuck with an akm and alice pack! Getting pretty frustrating as I've lost nv, range finder, coyote and 50cal on 2 occasions. Any ideas?

    Could this in anyway be related to when i got killed by a hacker ? Everyone playing instantly died including myself and I think this problem has become more apparent since then? No idea though!

    Any ideas much appreciated


  2. Hi guys,

    I don't know if this has been posted about previously but I just thought that a variety of helmets / hats / masks would be decent. Some protect, others camouflage etc

    The other thing I thought could be nice is footwear that could reduce the sound made when running or perhaps footwear that allows the user to run faster or maybe the speed at which hunger etc sets in when running in particular shoes decreases.

    Just some thoughts really!

    K thx bai:D
