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Everything posted by paxodeus

  1. 1st u use arma2base.de map - they r not allow to use this script cuz i ask them few days ago, so u broke license - shd be banned here. 2nd english script is one big crap - not even working.
  2. paxodeus

    when you're done playing,,,,?

    O rly? or just troll topic?
  3. paxodeus

    Trouble related to steam OA and non steam ARMA free

    Dayz + arma 2 free = Sorry bro. Go buy ur copy or die.
  4. paxodeus

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    Special info for you guys ( admins can confirm ) im first registered forum user :P YE BEANS FOR ME :D
  5. paxodeus

    Day Z for Mac

    Ye Jesus for president of united russia states!
  6. paxodeus

    FPS Suddenly capped at 20

    Same for me, search another server :F after 5 trials i found playable one.
  7. paxodeus

    FPS problem

    Hey guys. Ok no bullshit. MY PC: GTX 460 1gb ddr5 AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE 6GB ram My problem is - 20 - 25 fps on whatever settings. Low/medium/high....What the hell :F
  8. paxodeus

    FPS problem

    The problem is...sometimes i had 60 fps+, today 15 :F impossible to play
  9. paxodeus

    FPS problem

    Damn wut?
  10. paxodeus

    Military flashlight

    Thx guys!
  11. paxodeus


    U can try also make ur own non patch.
  12. paxodeus


    Update it with files.
  13. So download onyl http://se1.dayz.nu/old/dayz_anim_v0.4.rar and dats all?
  14. paxodeus


    Reinstall windows.
  15. paxodeus

    Weapons vanish?

    Last day i found AK and 10 mags. Today i login and what i see? I have my mags. BUT where is my AK? No idea...Is there any ways to get it back? Or big dick in my ass must stay?
  16. Are there any companies hosting Dayz servers ? Links? Prices? OFC onyl in europe! Best area will be in germany.
  17. paxodeus

    Car chase of a red car in DayZ

    Fight was look like: http://www.sarcasmistan.com/upload/i-have-no-idea-what-im-doing-c6eda.jpg
  18. paxodeus

    official irc channel?

    Like in topic title....?
  19. paxodeus

    official irc channel?

  20. paxodeus

    [Tradeing] High END GEAR :O

    Nice, bugged items on list. Bantime?
  21. Can any1 explain me, how tents work? Is it save when i quit game? Save after restart? Its onyl on the one server where i put it? Also i can somehow save my car?
  22. Hey im hungry. Oh u got beans? Please die. Omn omn omn <- dats survive. Its not Sims m8.