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Everything posted by paxodeus

  1. paxodeus

    extreme luck!

    Sure bro ^^
  2. paxodeus

    extreme luck!

    Some1 have ur cd-key bro...And u r still happy...Dats so mad
  3. Plz do format Brain:\ and go play the sims.
  4. paxodeus

    I killed my friend - DayZ

    And we all know - he is hacker. Hacked skin.
  5. paxodeus

    Make ATVs different

    And how to do it?
  6. paxodeus

    Hacker Nuked our Scavenger Hunt!

    so sad bro, not go find new loot.
  7. Have video? he may found it...Some hackers can leave it there. I found many hacked weapon boxes and cars.
  8. paxodeus

    Poor fps...

    Spec of ur machine?
  9. paxodeus

    Cowboy Hats and Giant Belt Buckles

    U know its DayZ forums not skyrim?
  10. paxodeus

    Cowboy Hats and Giant Belt Buckles

    Thx god i have a lot of magic runes.
  11. paxodeus

    Cowboy Hats and Giant Belt Buckles

    And add blacksmithing... I want two-handed swords.
  12. Its not hacker. Its SLENDER.
  13. paxodeus

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    15 euro is not minecraft style. Sorry but no. 15 euro = no moar dayz for me.
  14. Reinstall windows, and arma 2 on new windows. No troll
  15. In real life u will QQ to mom also when some bandits shoot u in apocalypse day? Oh wait no..u will be dead.
  16. paxodeus

    DayZ TS

    I can host 512 slots official DayZ server
  17. paxodeus

    Building Camp in Cherno

    Onyl males in tents :P in closed ghetto. Damn so gay.
  18. paxodeus

    the hive, and

    IF IT WILL BE FIXED. I think dayzmod stay in alpha, cuz standalone is coming out soon.
  19. 3mins ago i was on server ( kicked ofc ) i had fight for heli. My blood drop to 0 and i was still alive. What the hell :D?
  20. paxodeus

    just tried lingor island

    How i can play lingor mode dayz? is there any official websites for this mode?
  21. paxodeus

    Looking for Rangefinder :)

    M24 for ragefinder. PM me. After work we can trade.
  22. 20mins ago i do massacre to {SAS} PPL i destroy truck, kill 5 ppl and steal Tractor. They instant restart server and ban me. {SAS} U got balls rly. Band of Justin Biebers {BOJB} its ur new name.