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Everything posted by BoomPow

  1. Looking for a few people that are experienced in dayz, My total playtime is well over 500 hours. You can add me on skype: purpleskyowner
  2. You are misunderstanding me, The MATURITY level has to be over 16, Let me correct my post.
  3. Silent round is a group of about 10+ mature members that love gaming just as much as the next person. We are 16+ years of age and are responsible. To join silent round follow the instructions below. Step 1.: Fill out the form below --------------------------------------------------- Age: Experience with Origins: Experience with Chernarus: Experience with Breaking point: Experience with Namalsk: Timezone: How often do you play: --------------------------------------------------- Step 2.: Join the teamspeak server (Ip is at the bottom) Rules: (READ THESE) -No fighting. If there is a problem let a clan leader/Co leader know. -The world doesn't revolve around you -Dont whine if someone isnt on you're favorite map, Although its not required you download all the maps we play. -Dont argue with team leaders/Higher ranks than you. If they give you a order, Follow it! (More info below) -Enjoy your experience! Ranking System There are a series of ranks that you will obtain throughout your playing time in DayZ To obtain higher ranks impress your leaders. Private Private first class Corporal Sergeant (Can issue orders to anyone lower than him) Staff sergeant (Can issue orders to a sergeant) Sergeant First Class (Can issue orders to all sergeants) Master Sergeant (Same as Sergeant first class) 2nd Lieutenant (Can issue orders to all lower ranks) 1st Lieutenant colonel (Can issue orders to 2nd lieutenant) Captain (Can issue orders to all lieutenants) Brigadier General (Cannot issue orders, Only suggestions) Major general (Can issue orders to all lower ranks) Lieutenant General (Can issue orders to anyone below him) General (Can command anyone below him, You must follow his/her orders Marshall (Can issue orders, promotions, And battle plans) Come join us now :) TS IP: crimson.typefrag.com:43005
  4. Add me on skype: purpleskyowner
  5. BoomPow

    Looking for members on DayZ Origins

    Add me on skype :) purpleskyowner
  6. Hey guys! Looking for some people to group with on DayZ origins! Ive been playing dayz in general for a long time and origins about 2 weeks or so. I know alot about it though, So if your intrested in joining hit me up on skype: purpleskyowner ALSO: Ages 16+ But its more of a mental age (Meaning you can be 20 but you act like a 10 year old or vice versa) And I myself am 17 :)
  7. Looking for some people to play some origins with, Im 17 Been playing dayz for a LONG time. Have lots of experience Add me on skype :) purpleskyowner
  8. Were recruiting again! Age: Preferred Mod (Origins or Breaking Point): Join this teamspeak :) crimson.typefrag.com:43005
  9. I would love to play with you, As of right now my whole clan is into breaking point, And i prefer origins im looking for some people to recruit for both. Add me on skype purpleskyowner
  10. Looking for some people (1-4) to play dayz origins with. Im 17 and have lots of expeirience with dayz Add me on skype: purpleskyowner Thanks :)
  11. BoomPow

    Looking for someone to play with

    Join this teamspeak :D crimson.typefrag.com:43005
  12. Hey buddy hit us up were a clan and were always recruiting :D Join this teamspeak and poke BlackIce: crimson.typefrag.com:43005
  13. [shortFuse] GAMING ShortFuse is a gaming group that has many members and is growing everyday, Our main game type is DayZ Origins. DayZ origins is a heavily modified version of dayz taviana. ShortFuse is looking for dedicated players that wont start any drama with the others. ShortFuse is a hero and bandit clan. Its all up to you. You choose your path, We help you travel it. Requirements: Teamspeak 3 (Can be downloaded here: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads ) Must be at least 14 years of age Must have experience with DayZ origins and vanilla DayZ To apply for recruitment join this TS And poke "BlackIce" IP: crimson.typefrag.com:43005
  14. Join this server on teamspeak :) crimson.typefrag.com:43005
  15. Hey dr. zooks, Check us out here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134199-silent-round-gaming-dayz-origins-chernarus-and-breakingpoint-dayz-clan/ You seem like just the guy im looking for. ;)
  16. BoomPow

    Electros Most Wanted - Recruitment

    Hey bobby im the recruiter for EMW Join this teamspeak and ill set you up :D crimson.typefrag.com:43005
  17. BoomPow

    Looking for Origins Squad

    Hey ray! We have a clan known as [shortFuse] Come check us out were all active and we play origins all the time! See you soon! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/133824-short-fuse-gamingdayz-origins-clanwe-have-our-own-ts314now-recruiting/
  18. BoomPow

    Looking for some people to play with (possibly a clan)

    Hey cian, add me on skype and ill give you a bunch of details but the basics, Im 17 aswell I play alot of taviana :D my skype: purpleskyowner