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About taks

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  1. taks

    Patch 114343 reduced loot spawn.

    everyone who claims backpacks and m4's dont spawn that much shold maybe consider that loot does not respawn yet without server restart and maybe stop looking in electro / balota ....
  2. the processor sucks, i had it before too, upgraded to 3570K last year, it feels 5 times better! also the graphics card isn't the best, but this engine highly depends on cpu power in my experience but overall, haven't heard of any rig that is able to stable run 50 fps + in towns, it sure is an engine problem
  3. taks

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    is there a changelog for experimental yet?
  4. taks

    Wait for host

    hive is down i guess. horrible lags today evening, now its gone i guess
  5. me and my mate were east of stary sobor, seeing a group of 6 people running into the town. we snook up and i managed to kill 5 of them, my mate got one of em. we owned 6 full geared ppl without getting one hit. do i feel guilty? i feel more like SO MUCH WIN! :D
  6. same happend to me 15 mins ago. joined a 1.7.2 server, found myself with no gear in the debug wilderness. i tried to join a different server, and i came back alive ( but these servers dont save any progress and lag like hell. i seriously dont wanna lose my stuff AGAIN and AGAIN, is there any way my char can be transfered from to 1.7.2?
  7. taks

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    no servers work.
  8. just one question: why in gods name would you make a low quality video with shitty dumb hiphop music to it?
  9. just happed to my friend, died in a barracks with the sound of 1000 cracking bones when he collided with me.