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Posts posted by Katy

  1. I heard because of the issues with cobains team LA server 1 is going down. Could be a rumor but not sure

    Apparently they're just getting a new 40-man server and their 25-man is being worked on atm, or something like that. Personally, I don't want the server to go down. I just want them to stop being jerks and show us the logs. :c

  2. I thought the main issue here was the accusations of hacking and accusations of making threats O_o; People have computer issues, it's just a fact of life. If you're really so concerned with people disconnecting at all ever, I am visiting my family over the summer while college is out. A lot of times I need to get up and do something for or with them which may take 5 minutes or an hour. It just depends. Sometimes I get invites from other friends to play something else and I decide to leave and then come back later.

    Anyway, it looks like nobody's been unbanned yet. There was another reply on the post I left on their clan forums by site admin Mike that says "Your goal is to make us look bad clearly since anyone else would have gone to another server and moved on. We could careless you and your friends have shown your integrity level by the threats of nuking our server."

    I'm not out to make anyone look bad, but when this could affect us being able to play on other servers I want to make sure that we set the records straight.

    Aaaaand so far they've still refused to show any logs. :/

  3. Update: Weaser from the Valhalla clan has decided to lift their ban after two days. He says on his post, "It was cobain that put all the bad stuff about [Val] all over the map because his name was in it. All we ask is your team shows a little respect , None of my guys were in NW airfield and the only reason your team got banned was the threat of the server nuke."

    I'm glad the ban will be lifted, but there's still the issue of server logs. There were no server logs shown to us and it doesn't seem like they've even looked at them, themselves. They're only assuming that it was him because it had his name in it. Cobain got a few people angry with his joke about it being him sniping people repeatedly in Cherno, so I'm assuming it was one of those people who put it up, or perhaps one of the people he'd killed on the airfield that night? Regardless this allows people who might have a grudge against us a way to get us banned without us having actually done anything wrong, since the admin are unwilling to look at the server logs and are taking anonymous posts that could have been made by anyone as hard evidence. :/

  4. They sound like a bunch of punks. Their server probably isn't worth the time of day. Just head off to another server whilst you continue to press the issue.

    Probably not at this point. It's annoying that they're acting that way. The non-clan people that typically frequent that server are generally pretty cool people though, generally a nice bunch.

    From what I understand, someone was running around the map marking their tents but it wasn't us. It's starting to look like they thought it was us and got mad about it.

    What's more concerning is that they've banned us and they might attempt to tarnish our reputation as far as other servers go. It seems like it would be easy for word to spread once someone starts trying to smear someone else's name.

    I'm also concerned that at this point they may find some way to fabricate the log information. Not sure if this is possible, but they've become so adamant about this particular situation that I feel like they wouldn't risk their own reputations by admitting they were wrong. I guess we'll just have to start recording everything we do from now on. :/

  5. Perhaps the server logs shows map markers? You could ask him to prove it that way.

    Waiting to see if they'll oblige. So far, the only other response from them is from a forum mod (fadedd) on their forum that says:


    :/ Lame.

  6. http://www.valhallaclan.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=74#74

    Updated info there. The site admin replied:

    "Hi katy it was put on the map that our server was getting nuked Val fags , that is why your team got banned, I dont pay for a server for people to disrespect us, The public should be happy we provide a good server, You get your clan to post in the forums with appologies I will unban them from our server but i will keep an eye on them and if i see any more comments about our clan from them they will be banned for good. Is that fair."

    Personally, I don't think this is very fair considering ANYONE can mark on the map anonymously. It sounds like they simply assumed it was our group and banned them for it. :/ Is there any form of log that they can go through to further investigate this?

  7. Sounds to me like a case of the admins were mad' date=' had absolutely no evidence of hacking and just banned them all for hacking.

    I'd say make the admins provide the evidence of hacking as I'm 100% sure that banning without evidence is not permitted and could result in the bans being reversed or worse - the server possibly being shut down.


    Bull. I dont believe they were banned in the first place. They should provide proof of said bans. They cant just jump on the forums and start spamming accusations. Forum mods and devs need to put in a system where if someone decides they have been infringed upon, they must provide proof to back up their accusations.

    If they don't, then thread deleted. These players provide no proof as to what occured, so i dont believe them. I think they are full of crap. Need proof.

    I really, sincerely hope you're joking. Otherwise.. wat. >.>

  8. No one has posted solid proof either' date=' all just words.

    If you think the Devs are not reading any of the ban appeals, might want to RETHINK.


    Regarding which side? There's not much we can do in terms of logs since we're just players. If the admin of the Val server are unwilling (or unable, I don't exactly know if they can access chat logs or other kinds of logs or not) to go through their server's logs to verify our info, there's not much we can do.

  9. I just wanted to ask a few questions and make a few statements since I believe there are certain things that need to be clarified. In no way do I intend to annoy/intimidate/whatever anyone, but I think some things do need to be said. Mostly, I'd like to clarify a few things because we really do enjoy the server that you guys have put up for us and we enjoy having a healthy competition with you guys. If there is someone I can speak to privately about this matter, please let me know so I can speak to you about this on a more appropriate venue.

    An issue on the forum post about their being banned from your server on the DayZ forums has come to my attention, specifically about "glitching the walls in Cherno." I want to vouch for them, because I know for a fact that they (Essinians, Cobain and myself, at least) haven't been in Cherno for at least the past week or so. I know that when people were getting sniped in Cherno, Cobain piped up when people were getting vocal about it, but it was him making a joke out of it. He was never anywhere near Cherno. I was standing next to him in the middle of a field inland (Probably near Stary or Zelenogorsk, it's been a few days so I don't remember exactly where it was I just know it wasn't anywhere near the coast, much less Cherno) when he was making those jokes. In order to ruin his joke, I noted on blue chat that the sniper wasn't Cobain but nobody would listen to me. Essinians, Cobain and I have generally been avoiding the coast. As for the other people that have met up with us along the way, I cannot speak for their actions though I am willing to investigate this matter if need be.

    It has also come to my attention on this post that threats were made to "nuke the server". I'm tempted to say that this matter was brought to you via hear-say or by someone else other than Essinians or Cobain or myself. I assure you that neither of them or myself had any intentions of doing anything like that. We really, truly enjoy your server and the people on it (despite our antics) so why would we even want to? We really don't have any idea who made the threat to nuke the server. Upon investigation, the threat was made after Essinians and Cobain got banned so it couldn't have been either of them (How could they make the threat if they weren't there to make it?). I wasn't online for that, so I don't know. Therefore, I would like to ask you who made the threat to nuke the server? It certainly wasn't one of us three.

    Thanks for your time.

    (Just to clarify, I wasn't banned. Probably because I wasn't around during the whole airfield raid fiasco. However, my friends were. I'm sad that they've been banned for something that they didn't do. I really like that server and I'd really enjoy being able to play with them again. I've been playing with Essinian and Cobain ever since I started DayZ, so at the very least I can vouch for them.)
