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About combatvolcano

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  1. combatvolcano

    ADMIN ABUSE Atlanta 39

    So we just moved our tent and INSTANTLY he reboots the fucking server WITH NO WARNING, right after we are done. We lost everything in the tent and anything we had picked up from it was gone. This server needs to go. This admin is a CHEATER AND NEEDS TO GO! PLEASE DO SOMETHING We are not playing here anymore and are now out our car and tent and all our tent stuff because of this cheating admin. PRYO please update your title to "admin abuse"!!!
  2. combatvolcano

    Close up pic of hatchet

    It's because you have to reload the hatchet
  3. combatvolcano

    Close up pic of hatchet

    nobody gets it huh
  4. combatvolcano

    Post your STUPID DEATHS

    (2 ladders up in a factory late at night, pouring rain) 1: I hear a car me & 2: Didn't hear it All: Oh shit there it is again me: we need to leave RIGHT NOW 2: no it's cool, the most logical explanation is that they are going to the gas station we just passed (looting continues for about 4 minutes) *gunfire* All: SHIT! Me: We need to leave 2: no they don't know we're in here we can get the drop on them (all go prone, covering the ladders, 5 minutes pass) Me: Target prone right ladder! 1 & 2: SHOOT! (I fire and kill him) (7 seconds pass) 2: Shit I just got sniped 1: Me too NO CARRIER
  5. combatvolcano

    I just cant FIND IT!!!!

    Successful troll is successful.
  6. combatvolcano

    not fun to die to campers

    Fo reelz yo. "PLAY THE WAY WE TELL YOU TO! STOP MAKING POSTS! THINK LIKE I TELL YOU TO OR YOU ARE WRONG!" Everyone reading this thread knows exactly who the camper assholes are that are posting in it.
  7. combatvolcano

    ADMIN ABUSE Atlanta 39

    Constantly restarts the server to dupe items, accuses others of attempting to 'dupe their bodies' ... whatever that means - like I'm trying to get an extra painkillers? whatever ... Cheats and snipes people on the beach, wipes vehicles, restarts the server if you start shooting at him If there were any justice in the world his server would be taken offline, it's a black mark on this community. He is VERY OBVIOUSLY CHEATING.
  8. combatvolcano

    morphine y u no available

    Yes but that also would make me an asshole
  9. combatvolcano

    morphine y u no available

    Yeah I tried item_morphine in that but it seems to be every location. Most of the locations that it highlights don't list it in their spawn list.
  10. combatvolcano

    morphine y u no available

    So perhaps can be found at military locations, good to know. I'm just messing around right now but my normal modus is to find an axe and loot a hospital. The game is such that no morphine = inevitable crawling death.
  11. Is it ONLY at hospitals or just rare elsewhere?
  12. combatvolcano

    Insane survivor

  13. combatvolcano

    Insane survivor

  14. combatvolcano

    Insane survivor

    I am going to book ass for the airfield with nothing but a hatchet. If I manage get there, I will run in circles in the middle of the airfield. Anyone who approaches me will get the ax.