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About Gaky

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  1. Gaky

    My Dayz Shortfilm. my vision on dayz

    very well made. the cycle continues
  2. Gaky

    DayZ dont shoot me bro

    double post....
  3. Gaky

    DayZ dont shoot me bro

    well people seem to think this is serious ammm..... i was joking around people, i didn't care about the gear because i found it on some random body so i wanted to have some fun, When i do have good gear that i am afraid of loosing i will shoot on sight.
  4. Gaky

    bad at this game.avi

    i this is why? just want to know why you are so upset
  5. Gaky

    bad at this game.avi

    i this is why? just want to know why you are so upset
  6. Gaky

    DayZ dont shoot me bro

    @bludy i should have given him a bit of medicine? i couldn't because he was shooting me..... @charb i am not afraid of having murders.. i had a character with 12. i am just trying to be friendly. the thing that annoys me that they don't say anything. they just shoot, without saying anything, like machines or something. you saw me shoot the first guy, he alt4
  7. Gaky

    DayZ dont shoot me bro

    i still have hope i feel bad about this but i feel like hacking some times just to troll those people who shoot in sight without saying anything
  8. Gaky

    bad at this game.avi

    he is.. he really is..
  9. Gaky

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    Same here, and i was at my camp, which is pretty far away from anything. sucks to go 15000 meters all over again. and again and again. as well spawning with expensive gear is really risky
  10. Gaky

    Graphical Issues

    Well here i made a video. looks like it's coming out of the tents and bodies, not much from the wire. footage from stary zabor and N.W airfield
  11. Gaky

    Graphical Issue near balota

    anyone trusting this guy?
  12. yeah that is what i am talking about, zombies see you like from FAR away, just a little bit annoying
  13. well i know a successful mod for battlefield 2 called project reality this mod is on for 5 years and i know MANY people including my self buying bf2 just for this mod, this mod even has more players then bf2 it self still not a single dine for the mod it self, so i guess the same for dayz.
  14. when i am walking lets say in an open field, and see a zombie about 200-300 meters from me running to me like mad. i think zombie see too far now, anyone else has this problem as well?