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About icetbag

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  1. icetbag

    insta-kick when using ramdisk

    Those of you that are ONLY putting the @DayZ folder on a RamDisk probably wont notice much (if any) improvement in performance. The main PBO files that will improve your performance if placed on a Ramdisk are the ones containing the map, buildings, roads, trees, bushes, etc. Its these objects coming into view and having textures streamed at various distances that hit your performance. These are not found in the @DayZ folder but the Arma2 OA folder (location varies between steam and non-steam installs). If Symlinks are done properly you shouldn't have any issues playing MP with a Ramdisk. A great tool for creating symlinks can be found here: http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/hardlinkshellext.html A rough guide to setting up a Ramdisk for DayZ can be found here: http://www.22ndsas.info/forums/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=9205
  2. There's a bug whereby vehicles have no fuel after a server restart. Maybe this is what your experiencing ?
  3. icetbag


    Did you pick up a smoke or frag grenade maybe? I've seen similar entries for numerous players, just assumed it was grenade related.
  4. Hi Chaps, Using the CBL filters I have several instances of the following entry in my scripts.log: I've noticed the typo "rivate" as opposed to "private" for similar entries such as: I still cant fathom out how to work out which line #197 refers to in my scripts.txt due to the whole commented + thing, so given that Im having a blonde moment, can anyone tell me if the line with the typo is nothing to worry about? Cheers
  5. icetbag

    LU434 - banned for having AS50 TWS

    You need to contact the admins of the server and ask them to remove your ban so you can join and they can scan your kit via the logs to prove its no longer in your inventory kit. If they can't prove you've run a script to spawn the weapon, they have most likely assumed you have when they've scanned the logs for players with illegal items.
  6. Their high ping kick feature also doesn't seem to work...unless its broken in the actual game.
  7. Cheers Geit :thumbsup:
  8. Hi chaps, Found several of the following entries in my scripts.log (having used dwardens CBL filters): I'm aware of kicks for accessing the in-game admin control panel (dedicatedServerInterface.sqf) but this is first time I've seen log entries for server_interface.sqf, anyone got any thoughts? Not all players are logged, but some players are logged several times for this. Cheers
  9. Have any of you seen or know of BattlEye: Script Restriction #195? Can't find anything on Google...which leads me to believe it doesnt exist ;)
  10. icetbag

    Stuck at loading for all servers

    DayZ Commander and SixLauncher will not currently update the DayZ mod - only the Arma2 Beta. You have to manually update your DayZ mod via torrent. Trying to join a server with the mod will result in being stuck on loading screen.EDIT: DayZ Commander may now update the DayZ mod (see post above)
  11. icetbag

    A lot of servers aren't showing

    Both Six Launcher and DayZ Commander seem to be having the same problem.
  12. icetbag

    Barbed Wire!

    I've never had a problem standing over barbwire...even when its blocking a door way.
  13. Clearly this isnt the case...but I thought I read somewhere on these forums that you could respawn if you broke your leg on I thought respawn was only disabled for healthy players?
  14. icetbag

    Cannot connect to my server

    Have you manually updated to the latest BE client?
  15. icetbag

    Teleporting LU20

    Sure it wasnt just rubber-banding from a major de-synch? My friend was running through a field with me near Berezino (on our way out) and suddenly he warped back to the hospital where we had been about 10 minutes ago. Just prior to warping back to a previous position, from my point of view he was de-synching as he's be next to me one second, ahead the next by a good 20 virtual feet, then next to me, then behind me..etc. We both had watches and compared times and he was miles out from my time. He DC'd and re-joined the server and was OK then for the rest of the night (watches were also synched fine).